项目名称: HfOx基薄膜微观结构缺陷及其电致电阻转变机制研究
项目编号: No.51202196
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 无机非金属材料学科
项目作者: 谭婷婷
作者单位: 西北工业大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: HfOx基阻变存储器因其工艺兼容性,被认为是下一代存储技术的关键器件。研究表明,氧空位和元素掺杂是影响HfOx薄膜电阻转变特性的关键因素,但其机理尚不清楚,制约了RRAM存储器的实用化。本项目将系统研究氧空位和元素掺杂与HfOx薄膜电阻转变特性的内在定量关系,主要包括:(1)研究不同化学计量比HfOx薄膜中氧空位的浓度、结构和引入的缺陷能级,重点分析氧空位对薄膜载流子输运特性的影响规律;(2)对HfOx薄膜进行不同元素掺杂,分析杂质元素在薄膜中的分布特性和引入的缺陷能级,研究掺杂元素与氧空位的耦合作用关系,和对薄膜载流子输运特性的影响规律等;(3)系统研究温度、光照等外界条件对不同氧空位浓度和不同元素掺杂HfOx薄膜阻变特性的影响规律,揭示薄膜载流子输运特性和阻变特性的内在关联,最终建立氧空位和元素掺杂影响HfOx薄膜电阻转变特性的微观物理模型,为提高HfOx薄膜的存储特性提供理论指导。
中文关键词: 掺杂HfO2薄膜;氧空位;载流子输运特性;电阻转变机理;
英文摘要: In recent years, HfOx-based resistive random access memory (RRAM) has been attracted increasing attention as the next-generation nonvolatile memory due to its compatibility with the CMOS process. The oxygen vacancies and elements doping have been reported to be the key factors which influence the resistive switching characteristics of HfOx films. However, the switching mechanism for a HfOx-based RRAM device is still uncertain, which limits the practicality of the RRAM devices. In this project, the effects of the oxygen vacancies and the elements doping on the resistive switching characteristics of HfOx films will be investigated. The main contents include three parts as follows: (1) The nonstoichimetric HfOx thin films will be deposited on ITO substrates. The concentration and the structure of oxygen vacancies, and the defect energy levels of HfOx films will be analyzed. The main study point is the influence of oxygen vacancies on the carrier transportation in HfOx films. (2) The addition of different elements doping into HfOx thin films will be investigated. The chemical structure of doped ions in the film, the defect energy levels introduced by the doped ions, the coupling effects between the doped ions and oxygen vacancies and the influence of doped ions on the carrier transportation in HfOx films are the mai
英文关键词: Doped HfO2 film;oxygen vacancy;carrier transportation characteristic;resistive switching mechanism;