项目名称: 页岩气储层孔隙微观特征及其定量表征研究
项目编号: No.41302101
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 陈方文
作者单位: 中国石油大学(华东)
项目金额: 22万元
中文摘要: 泥页岩的孔隙结构、孔隙度、比表面和孔隙相互连通性是页岩气储层微观特征评价的核心内容,也是开展页岩气资源评价、赋存机理和渗流特征等研究的基础。由于页岩气储层具有超低孔、超低渗、富含有机质以及非均质性强等特点,常规分析方法如气体吸附-解吸等温实验、压汞、核磁共振和扫描电镜成像等都不能完整评价页岩气储层的微观特征。本项目拟以四川盆地周缘古生界海相泥页岩为研究对象,利用FIB抛光-SEM成像技术,首先对二维图像按照灰度值进行数字标准化拼接,然后再对连续的二维拼接剖面进行三维数据体重构,结合微米CT和纳米CT技术,建立不同分析尺度的三维数字化岩石,分别定量评价泥页岩有机部分、无机部分中相互连通和未连通的不同孔径的孔隙分布频率以及它们各自对孔隙度和比表面的贡献。为页岩气的资源评价、赋存机理和渗流特征等方面研究提供依据和科学基础。
中文关键词: 页岩气;储层;孔隙度;比表面;连通性
英文摘要: Pore structure, porosity, surface area and pore connectivity are key content in microscopic characteristics of shale gas reservoir evaluation. And they are the basis of shale gas resources evaluation, mechanism and seepage chareateristics.Because of shale reservoir has the characteristics of low porosity, low permeability, rich of organic matter and strong heterogeneity convertional analysis methods such as gas adsorption-desorption isothermal experiments, mercury, NMR and SEM imaging can't complete evaluation of shale gas reservoir microscopic characteristics. This project intends to take the marine mudstones of Paleozoic in Periphery of Sichuan Basin, use FIB milling and SEM imaging technology, at first make digital standardization and superpostition of 2D images basis on gray value, then reconstructe the 3D data using the continuous two dimensional stitching profile, combine with the micro-CT and naro-CT to estabish three-dimenstional digital rocks. The distribution frequency and contributions of different size of pores to porosity and surface area in organic and inorganic parts of shale will be quantitatively evaluate separately. At the same time, confirm the contributions of interconnected different size of pores to porosity and surface area in organic and inorganic parts of shale. The study conclusions cou
英文关键词: shale gas;reservoir;porosity;specific;connectivity