项目名称: 湖相页岩薄互层脆性矿物含量与含气量的关系研究
项目编号: No.41302107
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 徐敬领
作者单位: 中国地质大学(北京)
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 页岩气是当前热点研究领域,页岩薄互层脆性矿物含量与含气量更是当前研究的关键科学问题。针对湖相页岩薄互层特征不明确、识别困难、脆性矿物成分含量与含气量的计算方法及关系模式不清等科学问题,首先采用露头、岩心标定测井研究页岩薄互层的特性,分析薄互层的频率趋势属性,探索识别页岩薄互层的有效方法,形成薄互层频率趋势属性分析技术。然后根据岩心分析化验、岩石物理及吸附解析实验结果,建立页岩薄互层脆性矿物成分含量与含气量的模糊聚类识别图版及计算模型,探索脆性矿物成分含量与含气量的定量计算识别方法,形成测井模糊聚类定量计算方法。其次论证页岩薄互层脆性矿物成分含量与储层质量发育及含气量的关系,推导出脆性矿物成分含量与含气量的关系模式。最终形成一套完善的定量计算表征页岩薄互层脆性矿物成分含量与含气量的方法技术,提供饱含气页岩薄互层的纵、横向展布规律,为页岩气的勘探开发提供科学依据和技术保证。
中文关键词: 页岩薄互层;脆性矿物成分含量;含气量;频率趋势属性分析;关系模型
英文摘要: Shale gas is a current hot research field, and the brittle mineral content and gas content of thin interbed of shale are the key scientific issues to the current study. According to the scientific problems of lacustrine thin interbed of shale, such as the undefined features of thin interbed of shale, identification difficult, the unknown of calculation methods and relationship patterns between the brittle mineral content and gas content, firstly, we will use the method of outcrops and core calibration logging to research the features of thin interbed of shale, and the frequency trend attribute of thin interbed will be analyzed, the effective method will be explored to identify thin interbed of shale, and then the technology of frequency trend attribute recognition will be formed. Then, based on the experimental results of core analysis, rock physical and adsorption-desorption, the fuzzy clustering recognition charts and calculation models of brittle mineral content and gas content will be established, and the quantitative calculation recognition method of brittle mineral content and gas content will be explored, and tnen the quantitative calculation method of well-logging fuzzy clustering will be developed. Thirdly, the relationship of brittle mineral content of thin interbed of shale and development of reservoi
英文关键词: Thin interbed of shale;Brittle mineral content;Gas content;Frequency trend attribute analysis;Relational model