项目名称: 受限空间实现电波高效覆盖的天线及漏泄波导理论与技术研究
项目编号: No.61331002
项目类型: 重点项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 王均宏
作者单位: 北京交通大学
项目金额: 300万元
中文摘要: 受限空间无线通信电波覆盖是其中移动载体安全运行的重要保障,现有电波覆盖系统在天线结构及布局上已难以支撑无线通信向高速率、高可靠性方向发展,已成为制约列车运行控制自动化的主要问题之一。本项目将从受限空间电波覆盖的共性基础问题出发,研究天线结构及空间环境共同作用下的场分布、多径效应、信号扩展、传输速率、系统能效及作用范围等基本问题,建立受限空间高效电波覆盖评价参数体系;针对铁路隧道、地铁、城市轻轨等典型受限空间,应用天线领域最新成果并借助方向图赋形技术,研究可实现电波高效覆盖的天线结构;通过分析漏泄波导近场组成及近、远场转换机制,研究孔缝形状、排列方式及附近环境对辐射场的影响,研制环境适应型漏泄波导;在此基础上,研究多天线多漏泄波导的优化布局,研究高速载体及其天线对电波覆盖的影响。此外,针对矿井隧道专用无线通信安全需要以及受限空间公众无线通信发展需求,研究相应的天线及漏泄波导高效电波覆盖系统。
中文关键词: 天线;天线阵列;天线阵分析;赋形天线阵;天线阵综合
英文摘要: The radio wave coverage of wireless communication is the important guarantee for safety operation of the mobile carriers in confined areas. The type and layout of the antennas used in available radio wave coverage systems in confined areas are hard to support the development of wireless communication towards the high bit rate and high reliability, and already become one of the key problems for the automatic control of train running in the confined area. This project will start from the common basic problems of the radio wave coverage in confined areas. Study the basic problems of the field distribution, multi-path effect, expansion of signal, transmission bit rate, energy efficiency and the effect range of the system constructed by the antenna and environment, and then establish the parameter system for evaluating the efficiency of the radio wave coverage. This project will conduct research on the new antenna structures that can realize the high efficient radio wave coverage in typical confined areas, like the railway tunnels, subway, city light rail, by applying the new achievements in antenna area and using the radiation pattern shaping technologies. Also, the project will analyze the near field composition and transformation mechanism of near field to far field of the leaky waveguide, study the effect of slot shape, arrangement, and neighboring environment on the radiation field, and fabricate the environment adaptable leaky waveguides. Based on the above study, the project will further do researches on the layout optimization of the multi-antenna and multi-leaky waveguide systems, and the effect of the high speed carrier and its antenna on the radio wave coverage. In addition, in order to meet the demands of the reliable wireless communication in mine tunnels and the development trend of the public wireless communication in confined areas, this project will also do researches on the high efficient radio wave coverage systems in mine tunnels and in confined areas (for public wireless communication) by using antennas and leaky waveguides.
英文关键词: antenna;antenna array;antenna array analysis;shaped antenna array;antenna array synthesis