项目名称: 红树林和互花米草相互作用对环境变化的多尺度响应
项目编号: No.41276078
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 张宜辉
作者单位: 厦门大学
项目金额: 85万元
中文摘要: 互花米草在中国(入侵地)和美国(原产地)均与红树林共同形成"红树林- - 互花米草生态交错带",在气候变化和人类活动双重影响下呈扩张趋势,成为监测和研究滨海湿地植被响应全球变化的重要区域。互花米草入侵红树林的格局、机制与后果,是中国红树林保护和恢复亟需解决的问题。 本项目采用野外竞争实验和水位梯度控制平台,从纬度、流域和潮间带尺度,研究红树植物和互花米草的种间相互作用对温度、盐度和潮位变化的响应,揭示生物和非生物因子交互作用下红树林- - 互花米草生态交错带的群落组织机制,预测交错带演替趋势;监测互花米草对不同发育阶段(繁殖体、幼苗、幼树)红树植物的影响,阐明互花米草影响下传播限制和生境限制在红树植物更新过程中的作用;对比分析中国和美国红树林- - 互花米草生态交错带的物种特性、种间相互作用和环境要素,探求引发中美交错带格局演变差异的主要驱动力。研究结果可为保护区域生态环境、应对全球变化提供科学依据。
中文关键词: 物种间相互作用;环境梯度;红树林——盐沼生态交错带;全球变化;生物入侵
英文摘要: Coastal wetlands provide a variety of important services to humans, including protecting the shoreline from storms, cleaning waters, and supporting fisheries. In China, coastal wetlands are dominated by exotic Spartina alterniflora along almost the entire coast, mixed with mangroves in the south. In the United States, a similar geographic pattern occurs where S. alterniflora is native. The ecotone between mangroves and S. alterniflora is affected by climate change and human impacts, and therefore provides a useful study system for understanding the responses of coastal wetland vegetation to global change and anthropogenic impacts. In order to protect and restore mangrove wetland in China, there is an urgent need to understand the patterns and mechanisms of S. alterniflora invasion and the subsequent ecological effects of S. alterniflora on the native mangrove ecosystem. In this project, we will study the mechanisms by which mangroves and S. alterniflora interact across three different spatial scales (latitudinal, estuarine and intertidal gradient). We will manipulate with and without competition from S. alterniflora at field sites, or within elevation platforms (containing mesocosms at different elevations that manipulate elevations at a single point in an attempt to isolate the effect of hydroperiod from other
英文关键词: interspecific interaction;environmental gradient;mangrove-salt marsh ecotone;global change;biological invasion