项目名称: 基于几何操作转换的异构三维CAD系统协同方法与关键技术
项目编号: No.61303215
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 蔡贤涛
作者单位: 武汉大学
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: 在网络环境下,实现跨地域、跨平台的同步协同设计,无论是在协同编辑领域还是在产品设计与制造领域都具有重要的研究意义。本项目主要研究基于几何操作转换的异构三维CAD系统协同方法与关键技术。在一致性模型方面,不仅从时序角度出发,而且更从几何编辑操作之间的"内在、自然的相互影响关系"的语义效果角度,来考察三维协同CAD系统的事件关系分类和层次结构,从而构造考虑空间几何效果的一致性模型。在操作转换算法方面,研究考虑空间几何效果的几何操作转换算法,实现结果模型几何的一致性维护。在操作对应方法上,研究同步协同环境下异构三维CAD系统间拓扑、特征以及参数的对应方法,实现异构三维CAD系统间的操作对应。在协同优化算法方面,研究基于冗余操作消除的协同优化算法,提高协同工作效率。通过以上工作,研究出一套支持异构三维CAD系统协同工作的模型、方法和技术,并推动和促进协同计算/协同编辑相关理论与技术的发展和深化。
中文关键词: CAD;协同;异构;安全;共享
英文摘要: In the network environment, realizing the cross-regional and cross-platform synchronous collaborative design has fatal research significance both in the collaborative editing field and the product design and manufacture field. This project studies the collaborative method and key technology of the heterogeneous 3D CAD systems base on the geometry operation-transformation. For the consistency model, study the operational relationship and hierarchy of the collaborative solid model editing, not only from the timing relation but also from the semantic effect of the "inherent, natural interaction relationship" in the collaborative 3D CAD system, construct the consistency model which considers the spatial geometric effect. For the operation-transformation algorithm, study the geometry operation-transformation algorithm which considers the spatial geometric effect to support the consistency maintenance of the final model geometry. For the operation correspondence, study the corresponding method of the topological entities, features and parameters among the heterogeneous 3D CAD systems in the synchronous collaborative environment, realize the operation correspondence among the heterogeneous 3D CAD systems. For the collaborative optimization algorithm, study the collaborative optimization algorithm based on the redundant
英文关键词: CAD;collaboration;heterogeneous;security;sharing