项目名称: 基于QFD的模糊MDO建模与优化方法研究
项目编号: No.71272177
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 陈以增
作者单位: 上海大学
项目金额: 54万元
中文摘要: 本项目将针对MDO技术用于产品概念设计所面临的、彼此相关的四个重要问题加以研究。首先,如何把QFD的顾客驱动的产品设计思想与MDO的基于计算与仿真的产品设计特点相结合,建立一个产品开发集成框架,确保MDO技术融入到产品概念设计的全过程?第二,如何通过系统模糊性建模对设计者的直觉和经验进行量化分析,从而把设计知识"前移"来增加设计柔性?第三,如何建立模糊MDO的优化策略,能够在模糊条件下实现产品概念的柔性设计、并对多学科间的耦合性进行有效分析?第四,如何设计模糊MDO的优化算法,旨在获得更具有稳态和均匀性的Pareto最优解的集合,使设计者对可能的设计方案有全面的认识?本项目将为上述问题提供解决方案并研制原型系统,帮助设计者在产品开发早期就运用MDO技术进行多学科间的耦合性分析、及早发现并改进产品设计方案的缺陷,跨越需求分析、方案设计、参数优化、仿真计算之间的鸿沟,提高复杂产品的设计质量。
中文关键词: 质量功能展开;多学科设计优化;模糊建模;优化策略;优化算法
英文摘要: Aiming at employing MDO to the complex product concept design, four important interrelated components will be investigated in this project. Firstly, to embed MDO in the process of product concept design, how build an integrating framework by marrying QFD well known as a customer-driven product design philosophy and MDO characterized by its ability of simulation and computation? Secondly, to increase design flexibility by bringing design knowledge forward, how quantify designers' institutions and experiences by using fuzzy set theory? Thirdly, to conduct proudct concept design with felxibility and implement MDO analysis effectively and efficiently under fuzzy environment, how develop an optimizing strategy for fuzzy MDO problem? Finally, to help designers go deep insight to the design problem by obtaining more smoothly and evenly distributed Pareto optimal solutions, how develop an optimizing algorithm for fuzzy MDO problem? In this project, the solutions to aforementioned problems will be presented and a prototype system will be developed based on those research outputs,which will help designers use MDO to find and remedy design deficiencies in the early stages of product development. The purpose of this project is to improve the quality of complex product development by bridging the gaps among customer require
英文关键词: QFD;MDO;Fuzzy Program Modelling;Optimizing Strategy;Optimizing Algorithm