项目名称: 不确定非线性级联系统的全局鲁棒跟踪控制研究
项目编号: No.61304008
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 于江波
作者单位: 山东建筑大学
项目金额: 24万元
中文摘要: 本课题研究具有不可测子系统的不确定非线性级联系统全局鲁棒跟踪控制问题.不可测级联子系统满足输入状态稳定性(input-to-state stable,ISS)或积分输入状态稳定性(integral ISS,iISS)条件,可以是不确定的非线性系统.在仅有系统输出信息可测得的情况下,利用输出反馈研究不确定非线性级联系统的鲁棒输出跟踪控制问题.对几类带有ISS(iISS)子系统的非线性级联系统,在不确定非线性依赖于输出与级联子系统状态时,研究设定点跟踪控制问题;在不确定性依赖于所有不可测状态时,拟利用内模原理方法研究渐近时变跟踪控制问题;在系统具有非零扰动时,通过引入死区函数研究鲁棒lambda-跟踪控制问题.本课题将探讨所提控制方案应用于若干实际控制系统,例如连续搅拌化学反应釜系统的温度调节控制,风机控制系统的速度跟踪控制等,具有较强的应用背景.
中文关键词: 级联非线性系统;输入状态稳定;动态不确定性;鲁棒跟踪;内模原理
英文摘要: This project studies the global robust tracking control problem for the uncertain nonlinear cascaded systems with unmeasurable ISS(iISS) subsystems. The unmeasurable cascaded subsystems are imposed on the input-to-state stable(ISS) or integral ISS(iISS) conditions, which can be nonlinear systems with uncertainties. The system states of the investigated nonlinear control systems are not available for the feedback design, and using only the measurable output, we will focus on the robust output tracking control problem via output feedback for several classes of uncertain nonlinear cascaded systems with ISS(iISS) cascaded subsystems. When the nonlinear uncertainties depend on the system output and the states in the cascaded subsystems, we will study the global set-point tracking control problem;when the nonlinear uncertainties depend on all the unmeasurable states, we will study the global output tracking control for time-varying references using internal model principle;when the considered systems possess the nonvanishing disturbances, the roubst lambda-tracking control problem will be discussed by inserting the dead-zone function in the control gain. In this project we will also analyse and solve the modelling as well as the control problems for some practical systems using the proposed control scheme, such as th
英文关键词: cascaded nonlinear systems;input-to-state stable;dynamic uncertainties;robust tracking;internal model principle