项目名称: 实施再制造的替代产品供应链的优化和博弈问题研究
项目编号: No.71301116
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 赵静
作者单位: 天津工业大学
项目金额: 20.5万元
中文摘要: 科技和经济的快速发展,使得产品之间的需求替代日益凸显,竞争空前加剧。竞争不仅表现在同一替代产品供应链节点企业间的水平竞争和垂直竞争,还表现在不同替代产品供应链间的链与链竞争。另外,废旧产品再制造既有助于提高企业利润,增强企业竞争力,也有助于构建资源节约和环境友好型社会。越来越多的替代产品生产企业将废旧产品再制造纳入自身发展的战略体系,再制造生产的引入为替代产品供应链的研究带来新的特点和难点,急需去解决,但从目前已有研究来看,这方面的新问题尚未被人们发掘和研究。特别是考虑渠道结构和渠道权力结构的实施再制造的替代产品供应链的优化和博弈问题的研究还未出现。本课题拟基于不确定理论、博弈理论和最优化理论等,研究不同渠道结构和不同渠道权力结构下实施再制造的替代产品供应链的优化和博弈问题,以期开辟这方面研究的新领域,奠定其理论基础,为实施再制造的替代产品生产企业的生产/销售等决策提供理论依据和实用方法。
中文关键词: 闭环供应链;替代产品;博弈理论;最优化理论;
英文摘要: Along with the rapid development of science and technology, demand substitution of products has become increasingly prominent, and market competition has become gradually intensive. Competition includes not only the horizontal competition and vertical competition between firms of supply chain of substitutable products, but also the chain-to-chain competition between different supply chains of substitutable products. Moreover, by implementing remanufacturing, companies can increase their profits, strengthen their competing abilities, and construct the resource-economized and environment-friendly society. More and more companies with substitutable products have implemented remanufacturing in decision-making processes concerning the design and development of their supply chains. The implementation of remanufacturing will bring many new characteristics and difficulties in managing supply chain of substitutable products, which need to solve urgently. However, from the existing research results, the new problems considering the supply chains of substitutable products with remanufacturing have not been discovered and researched, especially the optimization and game problems of supply chains of substitutable products with remanufacturing have not yet been studied by considering the channel structure and the channel powe
英文关键词: Closed loop supply chain;substitutable products;game theory;optimization theory;