项目名称: 儒家文化与经济增长:基于历史计量学的经验研究
项目编号: No.71303135
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 马驰骋
作者单位: 山东大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 儒家文化是阻碍还是促进经济增长依然是学界的未解之谜。传统的韦伯理论认为儒家文化与新教资本主义精神相悖,从而导致近代中国经济停滞并落后于西方。但1950年代以来东亚儒家文化圈的经济增长奇迹,使学界开始质疑韦伯假设,认为勤俭和重视教育等儒家传统对经济增长有积极影响。本课题以清代1600个县级行政区为样本,使用清代地方志记载的文庙和儒学数量等信息测量儒家文化在各县之间的强弱差异,并基于GIS将其与经济发展变量进行空间匹配;在此基础上,检验儒家文化对清代和当代经济增长的整体影响及其内在机制。为解决儒家文化变量的内生性,我们尝试使用清代之前影响儒家文化空间传播的游牧民族入侵和科举学额分配作为清代儒家文化区域差异的工具变量。本课题的学术贡献在于对儒家文化如何影响经济增长提供系统地实证解答,并以此扩展关于文化与经济发展间关系的研究文献。课题的现实意义在于为当今儒家文化复兴所可能产生的经济影响提供启示。
中文关键词: 儒家;经济发展;文化;历史;中国
英文摘要: It remains a paradox whether Confucianism impedes or stimulates economic growth. The conventional Weberian thesis views Confucianism as the cultural impedient of the Capitalist development in late imperial China, based upon the reasoning that Confucian norms oppose the Capitalist spirits embedded in the Protestant ethics. However,inspired by East Asia's economic miracle after 1950s, scholars have begun to cast doubt on the Weberain thesis by arguing that the Confucian norms of frugality, hardworking, and valuing education may have a positive effect on economic growth. In this research we will empirically examine the effect of Confucianism on economic growth by constructing a unique dataset that covers the 1600 counties of the Qing dynasty. To measure the strength of Confucianism we employ the number of Confucian temples and schools recorded in the local gazetteers as the proxies. Using the GIS technique, we match the strength of Confucianism with variables of economic development at the county level. On the basis of which, we will examine the possible effect of Confucianism on economic growth in the Qing and contemporary time, as well as the channels through which Confucianism impacts economic growth. To address the endogeneity of Confucianism, we will exploit the nomadic invasions and the quota allocation in th
英文关键词: Confucianism;economic development;culture;history;China