项目名称: 经济增长、社会保障和国民健康:理论和实践
项目编号: No.71503059
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 王箐
作者单位: 国家卫生健康委卫生发展研究中心
项目金额: 17万元
中文摘要: 相比中国经济举世瞩目的快速经济增长,国民健康改善步伐落后于经济增长率。随着我国经济的不断发展,人民生活水平的提高,我国居民对健康的需求不断增加。“十二五”发展规划提出“民生优先”是国家资源配置的中心原则,高度重视国民健康,明确将经济发展的成果转化为人民健康素质的改善是中国重要的发展目标。本课题结合理论和实证研究方法,探讨经济增长对健康的影响以及社会保障在经济增长影响健康过程中的作用。本课题将宏观变量引进格鲁斯曼健康需求模型,提出经济增长影响健康的理论框架和假设;其后,率先使用中国健康营养调查1990-2013年的数据,使用多重线性模型和多种计量工具,实证分析经济增长对健康的作用程度,并借助总效用调节模型,首次分析社会保障制度安排在经济增长影响健康过程中的调节和中介作用。本课题研究将明确中国经济增长影响健康的程度,探讨社会保障制度在其中的角色,有助于中国经济增长转化为国民健康,实现二者协调发
中文关键词: 经济增长;健康;社会保障
英文摘要: China has made a great achievement in economy, however, national health improvement have fell behind economic growth rate. As economy keep continually developing in China, people living standard has improved a lot as well, so does demand for health. Twelfth five-year development plan put the improvement of people livelihood as the priority resource allocation principle. China is paying more attention to national health, and try its best to turn economic development into health improvement. The project try to figure out the effects of economic growth on national health and the role of social security using tools of theory and empirical study. First of all, the project expand Grossman health demand model to investigate the impacts of economic growth on health, and proposed conceptual framework and theory hypothesis. Secondly, the project using multiple linear model and other econometric tool to study the effect of economic growth on health with data of China Health and Nutrition survey 1990-2013,also for the first time, the role of social security has been studied using total effect moderation model. The project aims to reach coordinated development between economy and health.
英文关键词: economic growth;health;social security