项目名称: 大气压射频辉光放电等离子体约束射流特性的研究
项目编号: No.11475103
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 李和平
作者单位: 清华大学
项目金额: 108万元
中文摘要: 大气压下采用裸露金属电极结构等离子体发生器所产生的射频辉光放电等离子体(RF APGD)射流在等离子体材料处理领域有着广阔的应用前景。在开放空间下环境空气以及载物基板对等离子体射流特性的影响将直接关系到等离子体材料处理的效果,然而目前有关这方面的研究工作还非常有限。本项目采用实验研究与数值模拟相结合的手段,以平板型等离子体射流发生器为主要研究对象,以氦、氩及其混合气体作为主要的等离子体工作气体产生稳定的RF APGD等离子体,对不同工作条件(包括固体屏蔽罩和屏蔽气两种屏蔽方式及基板位置)下等离子体约束射流区传热-流动-化学反应等多场耦合效应进行系统深入的研究,建立等离子体放电电压、电子/重粒子温度、活性粒子浓度及射流尺度等参数与发生器结构/工作参数之间的关系。这对于深入理解RF APGD等离子体约束射流特性及其调控机制、推动其在不同领域的实际应用具有重要的意义。
中文关键词: 大气压等离子体;射频辉光放电;冲击射流;屏蔽效应
英文摘要: There would be wide applications for the advanced materials processing using the radio-frequency atmospheric-pressure glow discharge (RF APGD) plasma jet produced by the plasma generator with a bare metallic electrode configuration. Although the ambient air and the substrate for supporting the treated materials would influence the characteristics of the plasma jet, and thus, would influence the materials treatment quality, the studies in these aspects are seldom reported up to now. In this project, the stable RF APGD plasma jets will be produced using the planar-type generators with helium, argon or their mixtures as the plasma forming gas. The coupling effects of heat transfer, fluid flow and chemical reaction under different shielding effects (e.g., the solid or gas shielding) and the substrate positions are studied experimentally and numerically for the confined helium/argon RF APGD plasma jets. And subsequently, the relationship between the distributions of the electron/heavy-particle temperatures, the chemically reactive species concentrations, the plasma jet dimensions and the geometrical/operating parameters of the plasma generators is established. These results would be very important for the deeper understanding to the characteristics and the corresponding tuning mechanisms, as well as for the promotion of actual applications, of the RF APGD plasma jets.
英文关键词: Atmospheric pressure plasma;Radio frequency glow discharge;Impinging jet;Shielding effect