项目名称: 磁化氢气脉冲放电的PIC/MC/DSMC模拟研究
项目编号: No.11275007
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 王虹宇
作者单位: 鞍山师范学院
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 磁化氢气脉冲放电等离子体在磁约束与惯性约束聚变,离子源和微电子制造工艺中都具有非常重要的应用。氢气的脉冲放电是产生氢等离子体的重要手段之一,理解脉冲放电等离子体的形成机制有助于相关实验装置的设计和优化。由于涉及到多尺度耦合和复杂的原子分子过程,对脉冲放电的全时-空过程研究存在极大的困难,需要大量的数值模拟作为支持。本研究针对磁化氢气脉冲放电建立3D全电磁的PIC/MC/DSMC模拟程序,统一考虑带电粒子和中性气体分子的运动与碰撞过程,并研究击穿全过程中的等离子体形成,从而获得对氢气脉冲放电过程中等离子体产生和演化全过程,从而为相关磁化靶聚变中预电离等离子体、喷气式Z箍缩、等离子体透镜等相关实验提供参考。
中文关键词: 粒子云网格模拟;蒙特卡洛;脉冲放电;;
英文摘要: Magnetic pulsed discharges in hydrogen are important plasma reactors in fusion researches, particle sources and semiconductor industry. Understanding these discharges will promote many related researches significantly. However, due to multiple scale coupling and complex atom-molecular collision processes involved, the breakdown process and evolution of these discharges are still not very clear. In this proposal, we will develop a three dimensional full space-time scale and electromagnetic Particle-In-Cell/Monte Carlo/Direct Simulating Monte Carlo (PIC/MC/DSMC) model to study these discharges. All collision processes and electromagnetic interactions will be integrated into a unified frame. With this code, we will try to elucidate the fundamental process in magnetic pulsed hydrogen discharges, such as pre-ionized plasma in magnetic target fusion and gas puff Z-pinches.
英文关键词: Particle-In-Cell;MonteCarlo;Pulse discharge;;