项目名称: 流域土地利用与景观格局变化对土壤重金属的影响-以洋河流域为例
项目编号: No.41271502
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 罗维
作者单位: 中国科学院生态环境研究中心
项目金额: 75万元
中文摘要: 流域土地利用与景观格局变化对土壤重金属的影响是新兴边缘学科-景观生态毒理学研究的重要课题。本项目拟以洋河流域为例,在"3S"技术支持下分析近30年来流域土地利用与景观格局的演变,并基于景观空间采集法对流域土壤进行系统布点采样,分析模拟重金属污染及累积的空间分布规律,阐明流域不同土地类型长期利用、利用类型转化、利用强度变化对重金属污染及累积的影响机制。在此基础上选择典型地块,深入分析土壤重金属的各种有效态,探讨其对水、植物、动物和人体健康的潜在风险,并结合土壤理化性质详细阐明典型地块土地利用变化对重金属污染及风险的影响机理,然后由点及面推演流域尺度上土地利用变化对土壤重金属的影响机理机制。借助景观生态学、"3S"和生态毒理学研究手段,揭示流域景观格局水平和垂直变异对土壤重金属污染及风险的影响。本研究对于提升景观生态毒理学的理论研究具有重要科学意义,对于指导流域土地利用与保护具有重要实践价值。
中文关键词: 土壤污染;空间变异;土地利用;景观格局;土壤污染评价
英文摘要: Effect of landuse and landscape changes on heavy metals in soils at a watershed scale is a key research project for a new emerging interdiscipline, Landscape Ecotoxicology. Based on "3S", namely remote sensing (RS), geography information systems (GIS) and global positioning systems (GPS), the evolution of landuse and landscape pattern in a case study area, the Yanghe watershed in the past 30 years will be analyzed. A technique of spatial sampling in landscape ecology will be employed for soil sampling at the watershed scale. Total concentrations of heavy metals in all soils will be measured, and their spatial variations and distributions will be modelled and displayed, respectively. Total concentrations of heavy metals, their contamination and enrichment in the soils from different long-term landuse types, landuse transformations and landuse intensities at the watershed scale will be determined. According to these results, some land plots representing different landuse and landscape changes will be selected. Different chemical extraction methods (including soil pore water extraction, EDTA extraction, 0.1M Ca(NO3)2 extraction and in vitro method) will be applied to extract the heavy metals in the soils collected from the plots in order to characterize their potential risks to water, plant, animal and human health
英文关键词: Soil pollution;spatial variation;land use;landscape pattern;soil pollution assessment