项目名称: 个性化动态路径诱导建模理论与方法研究
项目编号: No.51308248
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 建筑科学
项目作者: 龚勃文
作者单位: 吉林大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 本项目将突破传统基于群体问卷调查的驾驶员出行路径选择偏好提取方法,在交通诱导终端设备中通过差分感知和记忆机制获取驾驶员在不同情境状态下的出行路径选择标准和偏好,建立驾驶员个性化出行路径选择特性自学习模型和算法,解决了驾驶员出行路径选择偏好难以获取的难题;突破传统基于系统最优和用户最优的路径诱导策略,以驾驶员最大响应度和均衡路网交通负荷为目标,构建基于情境驱动的差异化动态路径诱导策略模型,实现"一人一情境一策略"的个性化诱导,更具针对性和实用性;突破已有对驾驶员严格遵循诱导路径的假设,从满足个性需求和预防拥挤转移的角度,提出基于容量约束和行为导向的动态路径优化与诱导方法,将驾驶员的出行路径导向到诱导路径上来,实现提高诱导服从率、防止交通拥挤的个性化诱导。研究成果不仅对开发城市动态交通诱导系统和交通诱导终端设备具有重要的理论意义和应用价值,而且对促进多学科交叉与融合有积极作用。
中文关键词: 个性化诱导;偏好自学习;情境领导;路径优化;行为导向
英文摘要: A novel personalized dynamic route guidance modeling theory and methods are presented in this project. The innovations are as the followed. Firstly, to solve the difficult acquisition problem of the driver's travel route choice preferences, an adaptive and self-learning model and algorithm are presented, in which the driver's travel route choice standards and preferences in different travel situations are learned and excavated by a differential perception, and the outcomes are stored and updated by a memory mechanism. Furthermore, all of the works are automatically finished in the route guidance terminal devices. Thus, it's more automatic and more advanced than the existing group questionnaire method. Secondly, in order to improve the driver's response and balance the network traffic demand, a differentiation route guidance strategy is presented, and the situational leadership theory is introduced to establish the strategy model. The core idea of the strategy and the model is to implement a personalized route guidance of "a driver, a situation, and a strategy". Compared with the traditional strategies of the system optimum or the user optimum, it's more targeted and more practical. Thirdly, with the consideration of the driver's deviation behavior in the implement process of the strategy, the traditional basic a
英文关键词: Personalized Route Guidance;Perferences Self-learning;Situational Leadership;Route Optimization;Behavior Guidance