项目名称: 机器人鸟研究中亟需解决的脑机制和关键技术
项目编号: No.61305129
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 槐瑞托
作者单位: 山东科技大学
项目金额: 26万元
中文摘要: 本课题是在机器人鸟的研究基础上提出的。首先,由于国内外对鸟脑的研究很薄弱,我们在研究中也仅是针对急需解决的控制鸟类运动行为的脑机制做了部分研究,解决了鸟类飞行行为和飞行路径的控制的部分脑机制,虽然提出了具有普适性的制导原理和方法,但也仅属于"局部突破",亟需对相关的鸟脑机制进行深入的研究与拓展,巩固我们在机器人鸟领域的前沿地位;特别是,我们研究中遇到了在动物机器人领域的共性的难题:脑组织损伤问题、电极和电极绝缘材料的生物相容性问题(电极腐蚀和绝缘失效)、电刺激信号与神经信息差距较大影响刺激效果的问题。这些问题直接阻挡着动物机器人研究和实用化的道路,亟需突破。故本项目拟通过相关实验手段研究解决上述问题。由于这些问题是在研究中逐渐暴露的,故我们已经有了相关理论和实验积累,对解决这些问题已经有了明确的思路和初步的经验,预期研究结果也将推动整个动物机器人领域的发展。
中文关键词: 动物机器人;电刺激;神经核团;编码信号;
英文摘要: This project was based on the robo-bird in our recent study. It is very lacking in neural mechanism of the robo-animal at home and abroad, and in the robo-animal study, brain tissue and electrode damage after electrical stimulations are very importment problems which affected the robo-animal control effect and hinder robo-animal practicality. Considering above reasons, we must master the neural mechanism of motor behavioral in the bird brain, make clear stimulate signal intensity, pulse mode, electrode diameter, electrode surface material, and so on how to influnce the brain tissue and electrode resistance. Which are main research contents of this project. The motor behavioral control mechanisms in existing robo-animals are all based on the unique physiological features of animals (like rat vibrissae, insect wings) but not the common mechanism of motor behaviors control. According to the common mechanism of motor behavioral control, We explored the related brain regions together with its mechanism that could ensure necessary motor behaviors will definitely occur and the motor process is definitely controllable, and the control mechanism and method to realize the predicted motor behavior. In this project, we will continue deepen previous research, make clear three dimension orientation of the neural nucleus, and
英文关键词: robo-animal;electrical stimulation;nerve nuclei;coded electrical signal;