项目名称: 在不确定性、通胀和风险限制下的最优决策
项目编号: No.11301559
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 刘敬真
作者单位: 中央财经大学
项目金额: 22万元
中文摘要: 本项目从真实市场条件和风险监管角度出发,以随机过程、最优控制中的动态规划方法(HJB)、随机微分博弈和filtering 理论为工具,把Knightian不确定性、通货膨胀风险和动态风险控制作为新元素加入到保险精算的热点问题研究中:通过选择投资、再保险或分红中的一个或多个策略使得期望财富效应最大化、破产概率最小化或者折现分红最大化。该项目的创新之处在于:1.将通货膨胀价格首次引入到对上述热点问题的研究;2.通过对模型不确定下带交易费用分红问题的研究,我们将带有脉冲的微分博弈理论首次应用到保险精算问题中; 3.动态风险限制对布朗运动风险模型下最优问题中非比例再保险和分红策略的影响,以及对一般跳扩散风险过程最优问题中各项决策的影响; 4.方法上,我们通过对鞅性质和控制理论的灵活运用,巧妙的把带有策略限制的财富指数效用最大化问题简化,而且这个方法使得很多已有的工作可以简化。
中文关键词: 风险监管;模型风险;动态风险;随机微分博弈;拟变分不等式
英文摘要: Arising from market condition and risk management, this project brings "Knightian Uncertainty", inflation risk, and dynamic risk control into the most popular problems in insurance: how to choose the investment and/or reinsurance and/or dividend strategy, in order to maximize the wealth utility or the discounted dividend, or minimize the ruin probability. We employ several tools: stochastic process, dynamic programming approach in stochastic control theory, stochastic differential game theory and filtering theory. This project has the following innovations: (1) it involves anew parameter "inflation price"; (2)it is the first one to apply the stochastic differential game with impulsive control theorey into insurance field by considering the effects of "Knightian Uncertainty" on the dividend and solving the problem of dividend with transaction cost ; (3)it takes into account the influence of dynamic risk control on the non-proportional reinsurance and dividend strategy and on the strategies for a genaral risk process; (4) by employing the flexible applications of stochastic analysis and control theory,it makes the constrained utility maximization problems easy to solve, and simplifies some of the existing work which is done by other approach.
英文关键词: risk mangement;model uncertainty;dynamic risk;stohchastic differential game;QVI