项目名称: 不对称信息下含信用风险的投资优化问题
项目编号: No.11201010
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 焦莹
作者单位: 北京大学
项目金额: 22万元
中文摘要: 不对称信息风险是金融学中的重要研究课题.本项目属于金融数学中动态量化研究的领域,目标是研究不同信息流下投资组合动态优化的一些现象和规律,特别是在投资组合中含有带信用风险的资产的情形下考察掌握不同层次信息的投资者的投资行为与策略之间的差异.在目前欧债危机的背景下,这样的研究具有重要的理论和实际意义.从数学上来讲,涉及随机控制论,信息流扩张理论,随机分析等等.本项目的理念是紧密结合理论研究与实际需求,为金融实践中不对称信息风险的管理提供有力的理论支持.
中文关键词: 金融数学;随机控制;不对称信息;信用风险;信息流扩张
英文摘要: The risks of asymmetric information is one important research subject in finance. This project belongs to quantitative and dynamic research fields in financial mathematics. Its objective is to analyze some phenomena and common rules in optimal investment problems, especially when the investment portfolio contains contingent claims sensitive to credit risks. We shall study and compare the behaviours and strategies of investors holding different information levels. Under current international financial crisis, such project has particular interest from both theoretical and practical point of view. The mathematical domains concerned include stochastic control, enlargement of filtration theory, stochastic analysis etc. Our aim is to lead solid and rigorous researches for problems motivated by financial practices and to provide theoretical evidences for future financial regulations concerning the asymmetric information risks.
英文关键词: financial mathematics;stochastic control;asymmetric information;credit risk;enlargement of filtration