项目名称: 企业信息系统实施对员工工作绩效的影响机制研究-基于工作特征和动机的视角
项目编号: No.71271102
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 王玮
作者单位: 暨南大学
项目金额: 52万元
中文摘要: 企业信息系统采纳后员工的使用行为已引起学术界的关注,但是采纳后的各种使用行为对员工绩效的影响尚不得而知。本项目紧紧围绕企业信息系统实施如何影响员工工作以及个人绩效这个关键问题而展开,首先从工作特征模型(Job Characteristics model)出发,探讨信息系统实施对员工工作满意度的影响机制。结合动机理论(如内外部动机、象征性采纳,symbolic adoption)和系统深层次使用的特点,探讨深层次使用行为的产生机制以及对员工绩效的作用机制。选取企业信息化程度比较高的制造业、通讯行业以及银行业企业为样本,进行大样本的、长期追踪的实证研究,将研究结果与国外的有关研究成果进行比较,剖析我国企业的独特之处,为理论界和企业界提供借鉴和指导。
中文关键词: 企业信息系统;工作绩效;系统实施;工作特征;动机
英文摘要: The research issue of employees' usage behaviors of enterprise information systems (IS) at the post-adoption stage has attracted much attention from the researchers in the area of management information systems. However, the effects of the post-adoptive usage behaviors on employees' performance is still unknown. This project focuses on how enterprise IS implementation influences employees' job and individual performance. Drawing upon Job Characteristics Model (JCM), the project explores the impact mechanism of enterprise IS implementation on employees' job performance. Based on the motivation theory (e.g., intrinsic/extrinsic motivation, symbolic adoption) and the characteristics of system deep usage, the project investigates the mechanisms of how deep usage behaviors develop and how deep usage behaviors affect employees' job performance. Furthermore, this project chooses the firms from manufacturing, communication and banking industries as research samples, and will conduct a series of large-scale and longitudinal empirical studies. We will compare results of similar studies in other countries, and analyze the unique features of Chinese firms in order to provide suggestions and guidance for research and practice.
英文关键词: Enterprise Information Systems;Job Performance;System Implementation;Job Characteristics;Motivation