项目名称: Internet网中病毒的检测-扩散耦合动力学模型及最优控制策略的研究
项目编号: No.61304117
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 任建国
作者单位: 江苏师范大学
项目金额: 24万元
中文摘要: 计算机病毒传播、反病毒检测一直是我们所面临的关键的基础研究课题,尤其是后者,是对抗计算机病毒扩散、有效保护信息安全的重要手段。现有病毒传播模型没有把Interne中路由器层面的反病毒检测能力和自治系统层面的无标度拓扑特性有机结合起来。鉴于此,本项目建立Internet中的检测-扩散传播耦合动力学模型并进行参数估计。定性定量地分析模型的动力学特征,揭示Internet中反病毒检测能力和拓扑特性与病毒扩散传播之间的内在本质联系,对比已有传播模型的所获结果讨论引入二者的合理性。对所获定性结果的参数进行敏感性分析,确定病毒传播的依赖性因素,由此运用最优控制理论从理论上取得病毒控制成本与效益均衡的最优控制策略。该研究为掌控病毒在具有检测效果的网络中传播提供理论和方法上的指导。部分成果对具有病毒检测效果的下一代互联网和无线传感器网等较复杂的网络有着普适的借鉴性。
中文关键词: 计算机病毒;恶意代码;复杂网络;非线性动力学;最优控制
英文摘要: The spread of computer virus, antivirus detection have been the key and basic research project that we have been confronting, specially the latter,which are important means to fight against the spread of the virus and protect effectively the information security.The present virus propagation models have not combined the ability of virus detection in router level with the dynamic power-law topology in autonomoous systme of Internet, so, this project intends to establish the detection-propagation coupled model for Internet virus under the system dynamics method and the model parameters are estimated. The dynamical behaviors of model is theoretically analysed in order to understand quantitatively and qualitatively of the essential connection between detection ability and topology of Internet and propagation dynamic of virus. Then we compare with the previous results obtained and discuss the rationality of detection ability and Internet topolopy, analysis the parameter sensitivity of qualitative results obtained, and determine the key factors of virus propagation. Next,optimal control theory is used to obtain the optimal control strategy in the form of weighing of cost and benefit for control virus. Consequently, the research on this project may provide both theoretical and methodological guidance for understand
英文关键词: computer virus;malicious code;complex network;nonlinear dynamics;optimal control