项目名称: 多通道激光自混合测量方法及高分辨率三维流速传感技术研究
项目编号: No.61275165
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 桂华侨
作者单位: 中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 激光自混合(LSM)技术相对于传统的干涉测量技术具有结构简单、紧凑、易准直等优点。通常单套LSM系统仅能获取一维速度等信息,难以满足复杂流场内纳米级颗粒物的三维流速灵敏快速监测需求。为此,本项目提出多种简便可行的基于多通道LSM效应的高分辨率多维流速和多点物理量测量方法,解决多通道LSM信号相互耦合时三维流速难以提取等问题。 本项目将从理论分析着手,基于Lang-Kobayashi理论建立多通道激光反馈下的LSM理论模型,模拟分析激光波前、频率等参数与自混合信号的影响关系;提出基于三角波电流调制和光纤分束、基于方波电流调制和FP标准具分光的多通道LSM测量方法,系统性分析并验证光束波前、光频率、调制幅度和频率等对自混合信号的影响;建立多通道LSM传感系统,实现三维流速和多点位移的准确测量。最后结合理论模拟和实验研究结果,建立较完善的多通道LSM理论,推动LSM测量方法革新和技术发展。
中文关键词: 自混合效应;多通道;激光传感;流速;
英文摘要: Compared to the traditional Michelson and Mach-Zehnder interferometers, this laser self-mixing sensing technique has many advantages, such as simple operation, compact and easy to adjust, etc. But commonly this technique can only realized the one-dimensional or one-point physical parameter measure by using one laser diode, and it is difficult to meet the rapid monitoring needs of the three-dimensional flow rate of the nanoscale particles in complex flow field. So, this project proposes several simple and feasible methods to measure the three-dimensional flow rate and the other physical parameters of several points based on multi-channel laser self-mixing effect. Moreover, the problems of multi-channel LSM signal coupled three-dimensional flow rate can be solved during the measurement. First, this project will develop the theoretical model of self-mixing effect with multi-channel feedback by using three-mirror theory, and analysis the relationship between the key parameter and the self-mixing signal. Second, both the method by using FP etalon and triangular current modulation and the method by using fiber optic beam splitter and square-wave modulation will be investigated in detail. Last, the multi-channel self-mixing systems will be established to measure the three-dimensional fluid velocity and displacements of
英文关键词: self-mixing effect;multi-channel;laser sensing;flow rate;