项目名称: 高分辨率雷达卫星监测特高压铁塔及导线形变关键技术研究
项目编号: No.41274048
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 李陶
作者单位: 武汉大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 我国特高压输电线路长达数万公里,线路走廊地质灾害隐患、冰雪灾害等多种因素会导致铁塔形变,威胁电网输电安全,迫切需要广域的卫星遥感监测手段。雷达干涉测量时序分析技术可获取mm级精度的视线向形变,已广泛应用于城市地面沉降、大型建筑物变形、滑坡监测等方面。本项目首次利用高分辨率雷达卫星影像监测高压输电铁塔及导线的形变,开展对其三维永久散射特征点的空间位置定位、时空域判别准则、周期性变化分析与验证研究。利用已知高压铁塔与导线空间位置关系、塔材及导线反射截面尺寸等数据,研究此类目标永久散射体三维空间定位方法及理论。利用铁塔及导线上的多种传感器,获取其因自身温度、风力等因素导致的形变,并与PS时序分析数据进行对比研究;研究其日周期、年周期等的影响因素,分离出真实的形变。本项目拓展了雷达干涉测量的应用领域,研究成果对监测高压电网安全运行有重要的实用价值,未来可拓展到移动通信基站等类似物体的形变监测中。
中文关键词: 超高压;雷达干涉;时间序列;输电线路;雷达散射体
英文摘要: In China,High voltage power line spread more than 2 hundreds thousand km. Landslide,ice storm et.al may cause deformation of power towers and lines. Monitoring the deformation by satellite remote sensing turns to be urgent. PS techniques can detect mm level deformation in line of sight RADAR. It has been widely used in city subsidence,skyscraper deformation,landsilde and so on. This project firtly use high resolution SAR satellite to monitor power towers and lines deformation. The 3D position of the PS point on towers and lines will be analyzed. The estimation equations for PS defination in time and space dimension will be studied. Using the measuring data , profile data of the structure of power towers and lines to find the RADAR reflection characters. An new methodology will be studied for deasling this kind of targets. Many sensor on power towers and lines will be used to define the periodic movement of the towers and how to remove these signal from the PS time series will be studied. This project aimed to expand PS and temperal PS method to monitoring target like power towers and lines. The new methodology may be have great worth for monitoring the national grid and mobile base station movement.
英文关键词: High Voltage;InSAR;time series;power transmission line;scatterer