项目名称: 深水水下丛式管汇布局优化中的数学模型及算法研究
项目编号: No.51309235
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 水利工程
项目作者: 王莹莹
作者单位: 中国石油大学(北京)
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 深水水下丛式管汇是水下生产系统中的关键油气集输设备,已成为深水、超深水油气田的中枢布局形式之一,如何优化丛式管汇的布局形式是湿式井口开发模式中的关键问题。本项目针对深水水下丛式管汇布局优化中的井口区域划分和最优连接路径问题,采用国外工程经验引导、数学模型建立、模型算法推导与仿真验证相结合的方法,进行定量的探索性研究。考虑水下跨接管的两种回接形式、同一回路中丛式管汇之间的串联、任意水下管线无交叉等实际工程因素,量化基本约束条件,借助构建的任意设施之间的费用矩阵和连接矩阵,建立丛式管汇布局优化中的两个基本数学模型,并基于非线性整数规划理论,推导模型的高效求解算法,旨在形成深水水下丛式管汇布局的优化方法和基本理论,为我国深水油气田丛式管汇布局的实际工程应用提供一种量化的、经济的、高效的科学方法和参考依据。
中文关键词: 深水水下丛式管汇;数学模型;最优布局;优化算法;最小成本
英文摘要: Deepwater subsea cluster manifold is an essential gathering and transportation facility in the subsea production system and plays an important role in the development layout of deepwater oil and gas fields, especially in ultra-deepwater. How to find the optimal layout is the key problem in the wet development scenarios. In order to assist the engineers in making their crucial decisions,this project will undertake an exploratory research about the optimization problem for the layout of cluster manifold, which contains partition of subsea wells and connection problems between subsea facilities. Based on some cases from foreign deepwater projects, mathematical models, the derivation algorithms and case analysis,the optimization problem is conducted. Many factors from real engineering are quantized to be constraint conditions, which contain two connection types of jumpers,the series connection among cluster manifolds in the same production loops, no crossing points among subsea pipelines and so on.The mathematical models for the optimization layout of cluster manifolds are proposed by the cost and connection matrices, and efficient algorithms are presented based on the nonlinear integer optimization theory.By this way,it may form the optimization method and technological theory system of the layout of cluster manifo
英文关键词: Subsea cluster manifold;Mathematical model;Optimal layout;Optimization algorithms;Lowest cost