项目名称: 海平面上升背景下堤前红树林的退化机制与评估
项目编号: No.41276076
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 王文卿
作者单位: 厦门大学
项目金额: 89万元
中文摘要: 中国80%的天然红树林被纳入自然保护区范围,红树林已经成为中国保护力度最大的植被类型。中国80%以上的红树林与陆地之间的自然过渡被海堤切断。在全球变化和以大规模海堤建设为主要表现方式的人类活动的双重影响下,受到绝对保护的红树林正面临显著而持续的退化,红树林已成为我国退化最严重的滨海湿地类型。红树林的退化已引起广泛关注,但缺乏定量评估,海堤对堤外残留红树林群落结构、生物多样性的影响至今未见报道。 本项目以大量的野外调查为基础,从珍稀濒危红树植物生存现状、红树植物群落种类组成和群落类型等方面定量评估中国红树林退化现状,研究我国红树林对全球变化主要驱动因子(海堤建设和海平面上升)的响应和敏感性,探讨海堤对堤外残留红树林群落结构和生物多样性的影响,建立红树林海平面上升监测体系,并预测堤前红树林对海平面上升的响应机制,为我国政府制定积极客观的红树林应对海平面上升管理策略提供科学依据。
中文关键词: 红树林;退化;海堤;海平面上升;响应
英文摘要: As a result of strict protection of remaining mangroves and large-scale artificial reforestation, 80% of mangrove areas have been enclosed into natural reserves and mangrove forest has been the vegetation under the most strictly protected vegetation in China. However, this strict protection could not prohibit the rapid and large-scale degradation. The anthropogenic disturbance exacerbated by global change has resulted in large-scale degradation of remaining mangrove ecosystems in China and decreased their resilience to disturbance. Of all the factors, seawall systems had a particularly disastrous impact on mangrove ecosystems in China, because 80% mangroves were detached from terrestrial by seawalls. There is an urgent need to evaluate the current status of degradation and identify the causative factor(s) of degradation of mangroves in order to suggest remedial measures towards their restoration and wise use and management. On the basis of extensive field survey, we aim to clarify the present status of mangroves in China in terms of area, vegetation structure and hazards that threaten them and indications of degradation. The influence of sea wall construction on plant community structure and biodiversity of the remaining mangroves outside sea wall will be assessed too. A system monitoring the effect of sea -lev
英文关键词: mangrove;degradation;seawall;sea-level rise;response