项目名称: 跨国并购中制度完善性对资源配置模式的影响:新兴与成熟市场的比较研究
项目编号: No.71302006
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 卫田
作者单位: 复旦大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 本课题针对跨国并购制度完善性对资源配置模式的影响,对新兴市场和成熟市场进行比较。通过对不同制度环境下的资源配置模式的产生机制及影响其有效性的因素进行研究,构建制度完善性与资源配置模式的动态关系。在比较研究的过程中,针对成熟市场的跨国并购,采用案例研究方法,数据主要来自于美国、澳大利亚、丹麦和英国。而由于目前中国企业跨国并购研究较不充分,分别针对国有企业和民营企业这两种不同的所有制企业,先采用案例研究方法构建理论模型,再通过实证检验,利用问卷调查和二手数据对模型中的假设进行验证。本课题有机地将资源理论与制度理论结合的理论视角,用于研究制度不完善性与资源特性共同作用下的资源配置模式产生机制;通过关注整个并购过程和选取"失败"的角度研究影响资源配置模式有效性的因素;比较新兴市场和成熟市场的跨国并购揭示制度完善性对资源配置模式的影响;以及创新性的使用案例研究与实证检验结合的研究方法。
中文关键词: 跨国并购;制度完善性;资源配置;组织认同和惰性;比较研究
英文摘要: This project explores the effects of institutional adequacy on resource deployment in cross-border M&As from the comparison of emerging markets and mature markets. The dynamic relationship between institutional adequacy and resource deployment is established through various mechanism of the creation of resource deployment approaches and the factors for their effectiveness. In this comparative study, multiple case-study approach is selected for mature markets, with primary data from USA, Australia, Denmark and UK. Due to the inadequate studies in cross-border M&As for Chinese MNCs, especially for Chinese state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and Chinese privately-owned enterprises (POEs), a joint research approach is developed by doing case study first and then testing by survey or secondhand data. This project chooses a joint research angle by synthesizing institutional-based view and resource-based view to identify the mechanism of resource deployment on the basis of institutional adequacy and resource possession. It provides a systematic view on resource deployment and their effectiveness through focusing on the overall M&A process and the context of failed cases. It reveals the effects of institutional adequacy on resource deployment through the comparison of cross-border M&As in emerging and mature markets. This pr
英文关键词: cross-border M&As;institutional adequacy;resource deployment;organizational identity and inertia;comparative studies