项目名称: 新兴产业与企业多元化战略选择:动态研究新视角
项目编号: No.71272032
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 冯米
作者单位: 北京大学
项目金额: 60万元
中文摘要: 企业多元化战略选择一直以来都是管理学领域的重要问题。现有研究多依赖既定的外部环境与产业格局考察企业进入新行业的利弊。其静态视角难以把握高速变化的新兴产业,也无法探索企业进入新兴产业所面临的独特机遇与挑战。本课题就是针对这一重要的理论问题,以动态资源视角结合动态需求视角探讨企业进入新兴产业的战略选择成因及结果。我们将具体研究以下三个相互关联的问题(1)新兴产业诞生过程与市场演化的特征,以及它们如何影响市场供求方对新兴产业的认知以及企业的战略选择;(2) 站在供给方角度,以企业动态资源和能力为基础研究企业进入新兴产业的战略选择动因以及结果 ;(3) 站在需求方的角度,探索消费者如何在行业早期利用有限信息理解及评价新技术与产品,并考察消费者认知如何改变 。本课题不仅能弥补现有管理理论过于依赖静态分析的缺陷,而且能够为我国企业紧跟国家产业政策导向,加快产业升级,顺利实现战略转型提供有力的理论指导。
中文关键词: 多元化;新兴产业;组织身份;类比学习;
英文摘要: Diversification stratey has been an important stream of academic research in management. However, existing literature usually takes the external environment as given, and assumes stable distance among industries. Such static perspective cannot fully take into account the initial turbulent condition when a new industry emerges.Therefore, the static perspective is unable to give meaningful guidance to firms who face great challenge by an emerging industry. This study is going to address such weakness. We plan to integrate the supply-side and demand-side perspective in studying the evolutionary process of a newly emerged industry. In particular, we are going to study the following interrelated areas: (1)the specific evolutionary features of an emerging industry, and how supply side and demand side make initial sense of it; (2)from the supply-side, how firms make diversification choice based on their understanding of the new industry and their resources and capabilities; (3)from the demand-side, how consumers make inference about the new industry based on their knowledge of the firm's past experience, and how such inference changes along with the development of the emerging industry. By emphasizing the dynamic nature of supply-demand side dual evolution, this research project would make significant contribution to t
英文关键词: diversification;emerging industry;organizational identity;analogical learning;