项目名称: 决策行为对生态系统服务管理影响机制的计算研究
项目编号: No.71303217
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 闵勇
作者单位: 浙江工业大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 对多种生态系统服的协同管理是当前可持续发展管理科学、生态学以及环境科学中共同面对的重大科学问题。然而,在当前研究中,管理者的决策行为往往被认为是完全理性和全面优化的。但实际中任何管理者的理性和能力都受到社会、经济和心理因素的制约,表现为有限理性。尽管已有研究开始关注决策行为中的有限理性对生态系统管理的影响,但由于缺乏有效的研究范式,这种影响的机制仍然尚不明确。本项目拟在申请人前期博士后基金项目的基础上,利用已获得的生态实验数据和计算软件工具,以动态博弈框架为核心,整合管理者社会偏好、有限理性行为、生态系统自然过程和生态服务价值,建立一个可以有效处理管理决策过程与自然生态过程协同演化的计算研究范式。通过社会调查获得实际决策行为数据,从而探索管理中的有限理性与社会偏好对于生态系统服务价值变化的影响。本项目旨在阐明决策行为对生态系统管理的影响机制,为更有效的生态系统调控与优化管理提供理论支持。
中文关键词: 自然资源管理;社会生态系统;博弈论;稳定性;决策时间尺度
英文摘要: Coordinated management of multiple ecosystem services has become the frontier and hotspot of sustainable development, management, ecology and environmental science. In a standard utilityor profit-maximization context, agents are often assumed to be unboundedly rational and fully optimizing in making decisions. However, it is probably more sensible to assume that rationality depends on the social, economic and mental factors, and display as bounded rationality. Although numerous studies have assessed the effect of decision making behaviors on ecosystems, there is still a lack of general paradigms to model complex interaction between ecosystems and management behaviors. Therefore, the mechanism of the effects is still unclear. In the project, based on data and computational tools from finished projects, I use dynamic game framework to integrate bounded rationality, social preference, ecosystem dynamics and ecosystem service evaluation, and obtain a general study paradigm, which can simulate the co-evolution of management and natural dynamic behaviors. Based on face-to-face interview, we get real-world data about decision making behaviors, and explore the effect of bounded rationality and social preference. The project is aim to explain the mechanism of decision making behaviors, and provide theoretical evidence fo
英文关键词: natural resources management;socio-ecological system;game theory;persistence;decision temporal horizon