项目名称: 基于互动生态补偿机制的不确定性水资源管理方法研究
项目编号: No.51209087
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 水利科学与海洋工程学科
项目作者: 谭倩
作者单位: 华北电力大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 本研究将在流域尺度上,探索基于生态补偿机制的水资源优化配置模式。将通过模糊数学、区间分析等方法,提出多级、多层次交互式生态补偿机制;由之耦合多种不确定性方法,开发多重不确定条件下流域水资源综合管理规划方法体系;将已开发的规划方法,用于实际水资源管理,建立流域不确定性水资源管理体系。本项目将在以下方面有所创新:(1)提出不确定性多级、多层次交互式生态补偿机制,反映多个利益攸关方的偏好,提高生态补偿模式的可操作性和公众接受度;(2)耦合生态补偿机制,建立一套适应流域特点的多重不确定性水资源综合管理模型体系,有效地在时间、空间上充分考虑水资源管理系统中的多重不确定因素以及它们之间的复杂互动关系。同时,将包括生态补偿在内的多重不确定性信息直接反映到管理规划模型和决策过程中;(3)将已开发的规划方法,用于解决实际的水资源管理难题,建立具有我国特色的不确定性水资源综合管理和生态保护方法体系。
中文关键词: 水资源管理;流域管理;生态补偿;数学建模;不确定性分析
英文摘要: In this research, an integrated water resources management system will be developed based on an ecological-compensation model at the watershed scale. Firstly, a multi-level, multi-layer, and interactive ecological compensation model will be advanced through the introduction of fuzzy sets theory and interval analysis into conventional ecological valuation and compensation methods. Then, the proposed ecological compensation model will be combined with a number of uncertain analysis approaches (such as fuzzy superiority-inferiority analysis, fuzzy-stochastic boundary analysis, and fuzzy-stochastic robust analysis) to form an integrated water resources management system under multiple uncertainties. The developed system will then be applied to a typical watershed in north China, i.e., Baiyandian watershed, to demonstrate its applicability and effectiveness. This research has the following innovations: (a) development of a multi-level, multi-layer, and interactive ecological-compensation model, facilitating the reflection of interests of multiple stakeholders and the enhancement of applicability and public acceptance degree over water related issues, (b) through incorporating the proposed ecological compensation model, uncertainty analysis approaches, water demand forecasting model in a general framework to form an i
英文关键词: Water resouces management;Watershed management;Ecological compensation;Mathematical modelling;Uncertainty analysis