项目名称: 中国绢蝶(凤蝶科:绢蝶亚科:绢蝶属)主要代表种类系统演化的时空格局及其相关地球环境背景
项目编号: No.41472028
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 郝家胜
作者单位: 安徽师范大学
项目金额: 88万元
中文摘要: 绢蝶属蝶类是一类独特的高山低温型物种。我国是世界上绢蝶的分布中心和可能的起源中心,青藏高原一带集中分布20余种,古北区其他地区和东洋区近北部地区也有零星分布。绢蝶典型的非平衡地理分布模式与相应地质历史时期上重大地球环境变化事件间可能存在着密切联系。迄今,我国绢蝶地理分布格局的成因及种间和种内的适应辐射演化历史还有待于深入探讨。基于此,本项目拟运用地球生物学领域的相关研究手段,对我国各地,特别是青藏高原及周边地带分布的16-20个主要绢蝶种类及其种内居群进行分子系统发生、居群遗传结构、谱系发育年代及谱系地理学重建等方面的综合分析,探讨我国绢蝶种间及种内分化模式及其时间表和路径图;依据上述研究结果,结合我国新生代、特别是第四纪以来地球环境变化事件(如青藏高原抬升地质事件和冰期-间冰期轮回的气候变化事件等)相关数据资料的关联分析,初步探讨我国绢蝶起源与演化的时空格局及其相应的地球环境背景。
中文关键词: 绢蝶;系统进化;时空格局;地球环境事件;中国
英文摘要: Parnassius is a genus of northern circumpolar and montane butterflies, mainly lived in Tibet plateau and its neighboring areas (Himalayas region), with only a few species distributed in other Palaearctic regions and northern Oriental regions of the world, and for this reason China is the geographically distributional centre and probabaly the originating site of Parnassius butterflies in the world. In the respect of life-earth coevolution,their typical geographical distributional nonequilibrium patterns are closely related to the underlying geological and evironmental change events in the earth history. However,up to the present,these evolutionary patterns of adaptive radiation and its causes await further detailed investigations. Therefore, In this research project,the multidisciplinary evolutionary studies of about twenty representative Parnassius (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae: Parnanissinae) species distributed in different habitats of China will be conducted based on the comprehensive geobiological methods, such as the mitogenomic and nuclear DNA data based phylogeny, molecular-clock based divergence time dating,population genetic structure reconstruction, the ancestral biogeographical reconstruction,and so on. From these results, the spatiotemporally evolutioanry patterns including the origin and diversification models, the evolutionary timescales and route charts, as well as the corresponding tectonomorphologcical features, of the Chinese Parnassius butterflies will be clarified combined with the various data from multiple sources of the tectonic and environmental events happened since the Cenozic, especially in the Quaternary period,such as the uplift of the Himalaya-Tibet Plateau, the glacial-interglacial climate changes.
英文关键词: Parnassius;evolution;temporal and spatial patterns;earth environmental events;China