项目名称: 皮质-基底神经节环路调控发声学习和可塑性的生理机制研究
项目编号: No.31472001
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 生物科学
项目作者: 孙颖郁
作者单位: 北京师范大学
项目金额: 81万元
中文摘要: 鸣禽AFP环路与哺乳类皮质-基底神经节环路同源,参与鸣唱行为的学习和可塑性。对于该环路作用的研究将有助于揭示包括人类语言在内的复杂运动学习的神经机制。本项目拟一方面在前期结果基础上,开展对基底神经节X区局部环路的调控机制研究:1)动态检测多巴胺等多种递质在鸣唱学习和退化中的作用;2)检测多巴胺、P物质等重要递质之间的相互作用方式;3)通过mRNA表达谱分析,构建鸣唱学习中与人类语言相关基因FOXP2共表达的分子调控网络,并筛选关键分子,利用基因沉默技术评价其对鸣唱行为的影响。另一方面,拟开展突触可塑性研究:利用神经示踪与树突棘染色或免疫电镜技术相结合,研究鸣唱学习及退化过程中 1)X区中等多棘神经元的突触可塑性;2)AFP环路对鸣唱运动通路突触可塑性的调控。本研究对于深入揭示皮质-基底节神经环路在发声学习和可塑性中的作用机制以及在细胞和分子水平揭示人类语言现象具有重要意义。
中文关键词: 基底神经节;发声学习;可塑性;神经递质;突触
英文摘要: The anterior forebrain pathway (AFP) in songbirds, highly parallel to the cortical-basal ganglia circuit in mammals, is involved in song learning and adult vocal plasticity. Clarifying the mechanisms of songbird AFP will facilitate the understanding of how complex motor skills, including human speech, are learned. In the present project, we will investigate the local circuit of area X, the avian basal ganglia: 1) To examine the dynamic changes of important neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, during song learning and degradation; 2) To examine the interactions of dopamine, substance P and other transmitters; 3) To explore the molecular network of FOXP2 for song learning and find the key gene in it, and further evaluate the role of the key gene in song learning by RNAi technique. On the other hand, we will investigate the synaptic plasticity of medium spiny neurons in area X, and examine the role of AFP in the modulation of the synaptic plasticity in the song motor pathway. The present project is important for clarifying the neural mechanisms underlying vocal learning and plasticity and understanding human speech at the cellular and molecular level.
英文关键词: basal ganglia;vocal learning;plasticity;neurotransmitter;synapse