项目名称: 孤束核内儿茶酚胺类神经元介导的Leptin对摄食行为的调控机制研究
项目编号: No.31471120
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 生理学与整合生物学
项目作者: 崔然吉
作者单位: 吉林大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: Leptin作为重要的蛋白质类激素,通过其受体作用在下丘脑内的特异性神经元上发挥对摄食行为及能量代谢的调控作用。然而除下丘脑外,Leptin是否通过对其它脑区内特异性神经元的影响发挥对摄食行为的调控作用,尚不清楚。研究发现:Leptin受体广泛分布于孤束核内。孤束核被认为是摄食信息进行整合与传递的重要中继站。胃肠的摄食信息经迷走神经传入到孤束核,经整合后传递到下丘脑内的摄食中枢,最终发挥对摄食行为的调控作用。我们的研究表明:孤束核内的儿茶酚胺类神经元对摄食信息的整合与传递起到关键作用。因此,我们将基于两种不同的能量状态(正常摄食和禁食)下,采用摄食行为学、免疫荧光双重染色和全细胞膜片钳记录等方法,考察孤束核内儿茶酚胺类神经元介导的Leptin对摄食行为的调控机制。为Leptin在控制体重及能量代谢中的作用提供更为全面的理论依据。
中文关键词: 瘦素;神经元;孤束核;小鼠
英文摘要: Leptin,an important protein hormone, acts on its receptors of specific neuron of hypothalamus, where it inhibits feeding behavior.However,the effect of Leptin on specific neurons of other feeding-related brain regions is unknown.Recently studies have shown that Leptin recepters are widely expressed in the nucleus of the solitary tract(NTS).NTS receives extensive feeding information from afferents of the vagus nerve,and projects densely to many regions of hypothalamus.Therefore,NTS is the primary site through which gastrointestinal afferent information enters the brain.We have shown that the catecholamine neurons lie within the NTS and are thought to be important for the control of food intake as well as energy metabolism. Therefore,we will investigate NTS catecholamine neuron-mediated effect of Leptin on feeding bvhavior under fed and fasting conditions.This project will help us clarify the mechanism of Leptin on reguation of food intake and energy metabolism.
英文关键词: Leptin;Neuron;Solitary tract nucleus;mice