项目名称: 涡轮增压器浮环轴承贫油失稳模型及边界条件研究
项目编号: No.51275150
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 机械、仪表工业
项目作者: 师占群
作者单位: 河北工业大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 涡轮增压器中的浮环轴承工作在高温高速的极端环境下,浮环将动压油膜分为内外两层,增加了转子振动自由度,也使其失稳机理分析变的异常复杂。本研究针对最新发现的浮环轴承内油膜贫油失稳现象,综合利用流体力学、转子动力学、摩擦学和热力学知识,从理论上研究浮环轴承产生贫油失稳的内部结构参数和外部运行参数条件,建立浮环轴承与转子振动的流固热耦合数学模型,探索内油膜贫油失稳产生的边界条件;为验证贫油失稳现象,本研究还将首次探索内油膜压力分布检测方法,并首次实现浮环轴承贫油失稳台架模拟;然后将经过验证的内外油膜分布函数引入到多场耦合的转子振动模型中,建立起一个多场耦合的浮环轴承贫油失稳数学模型,进而阐明失稳过程中内部特征和外部表现之间的函数关系。该研究将揭示轴承间隙、轴与浮环转速、润滑系统压力、油液粘度、污染程度、工作环境温度等参数对浮环轴承贫油失稳的影响规律,从而为提高其可靠性提供理论依据。
中文关键词: 涡轮增压器;浮环轴承;贫油润滑;失稳;MEMS
英文摘要: Floating ring bearings in the turbocharger generally work under extreme conditions such as high temperature and high velocity. The floating ring separates the hydrodynamic oil film into inner and outer films. Thus not only the degree of freedom of rotor vibration is increased, but also a rather complicated failure mechanism is resulted. Aimed at the new findings of oil starvation in the inner film of the floating ring bearing, a theoretical investigation will be conducted in this study on the internal structural parameters and external working conditions that would cause oil starvation based on the knowledges of fluid, rotordynamics, tribology and thermodynamics. A coupled mathematical model of fluid-solid-thermal will be developed to reveal the boundary condition of the oil starvation and instability in the inner oil film. In order to verify this phenomenon, a approach to measure the pressure distribution in the inner oil film will be originally investigated and the test rig simulation will also be originally achieved. The validated functions of oil film pressure distribution will then be introduced into the multi-fields coupled rotordynamics model to develop a multi-fields coupled mathematical model for the oil starvation and instability of the floating ring bearing. The functional relationship between the int
英文关键词: Turbochargers;floating ring bearings;starved lubrication;instability;MEMS