项目名称: 岩石及混合材料电特性的虚拟化测量方法
项目编号: No.51277012
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 电工技术
项目作者: 刘策
作者单位: 长安大学
项目金额: 70万元
中文摘要: 混合物质的介电常数、电导率等电学特性在材料科学、医学检测、地质遥感等众多应用领域都具有重要作用。但受到理论方法、研究手段等因素限制,对混合物质电学特性的计算和测量问题至今未能形成一套完整成熟的理论体系和有效的研究方法。本项目拟从研究混合物质的微观结构及成分与其宏观电学特性的关系入手,利用3D微CT扫描技术与图像处理方法来建立混合物质的微观结构模型,继而通过改进型有限差分算法来精确计算具有复杂结构的混合物质宏观电学特性,并分析其随微观因素变化的寺基本规律,建立一种混合材料电学特性的数字化分析方法。在此基础上可进一步利用计算机平台实现各种混合介质电特性的虚拟化分析及合成工作,建立一个虚拟材料实验室,并最终取代混合物质电特性的物理样本测量。本项目申请所提出的这一研究方法将先进技术与科学理论相结合,为材料科学及其它工程应用领域发展提出了新方向,所取得成果具有较大的研究价值和应用潜力。
中文关键词: 电学特性;混合物质;数字岩芯;虚拟测量;有限差分
英文摘要: In physics, understanding the electrical properties of materials such as dielectric constant and conductivity has significant impact to material science, geological remote sensing,environmental protection, and military and medical applications. For the past several decades, scientists made great efforts to understand the relationship between the effective dielectric constant and conductivity of composite materials such as rocks and soil, and micro-geometry and each component in the composite materials. However, study of this problem is historically challenging simply due to the complexity and variety of the materials. In this proposal, we propose to develop a systematic method to study the electrical properties of composite materials. We propose to use a 3D micro-CT scanning system and a numerical computation algorithm to solve this complicated problem. The micro-CT scan of a composite material will provide the micro geometry of the material and components in the material. The numerical algorithm is used to compute the electrical properties of the material. In other word, a digital material profile will be established. This method will be verified by practical measurements and the achievements have great research value and potential applications.
英文关键词: Electrical Property;Composite material;Digital rock;Virtual Measurement;Finite Differential Method