项目名称: 甲藻中新角藻属Neoceratium主要变种、变型分类地位的确定与修订
项目编号: No.41506191
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 孙萍
作者单位: 自然资源部第一海洋研究所
项目金额: 21万元
中文摘要: 新角藻(Neoceratium)是海洋甲藻中种类较多的属,Gomez于2010年将其从角藻属(Ceratium)中分出。该属物种多样性高,个体形态多变,因而变种、变型较多,其分类地位存在较多分歧,给分类鉴定带来很多困扰。本研究拟选取该属变种、变型较多的三角新角藻(N. tripos)、大角新角藻(N. macroceros)、粗刺新角藻(N. horridum)和扭新角藻(N. contortum)等为研究对象,采用经典形态分类和分子生物技术相结合的手段,进行主要形态学参数测量和多元统计分析,开展rDNA特定序列测定,分析其亲缘进化关系,构建其系统发育树,进行条形码指导下的形态再描述、种类再确定。阐释各主要变种、变型的生态类型和地理分布,理顺新角藻属种间与种下分类地位,重新编制新角藻属种类检索表。本研究为甲藻分类学、生物多样性、生物海洋学等研究提供理论依据和技术支撑。
中文关键词: 新角藻属;变种变型;分类地位;分子生物技术;形态学
英文摘要: Neoceratium is a new genus divided from genus Ceratium in 2010. The species of Neoceratium are distributed in marine world-widely, and are regarded as indicators of sea current and water mass. Due to the morphological plasticity of Neoceratium spp., there are quite a lot of uncertainties and arguments on the taxonomy in this genus, especially the species N. tripos, N. contortum, N. horridum, N. macrocero and their variants. Hence in this project, we propose to revise and analyze the taxonomic status of these four Neoceratium species and their variants. Both the morphology and molecular phylogenetics will be investigated comprehensively, and taxonomy determination and morphology description of each species will then performed guided by the DNA barcoding. Besides, we will study and elucidate the inter- and intra-species relationship among these species and their variants, geographic distribution and their ecological functions. Finally, the Taxonomy Key of Neoceratium will be revised and amended. This study will not only contribute significantly to the taxonomy of phytoplankton and dinoflagellates, but also assist the future research on the climate and environmental changes through these globally distributed dinoflagellates.
英文关键词: Neoceratium;varieties;taxonomic status ;rDNA;morphology