项目名称: 心智游移的问题解决功能探索——从行为到脑机制
项目编号: No.31300832
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 医药、卫生
项目作者: 宋晓兰
作者单位: 浙江师范大学
项目金额: 22万元
中文摘要: 心智游移是指个体的意识觉知不由自主地离开当前任务和环境,转而加工内源性信息的一种意识状态,占个体清醒认知的30%-50%。作为当前意识和脑功能领域的新热点,该领域的研究已经进入了以"心智游移与脑自发活动之间的关系"为特征的第三阶段,其中心智游移的功能是一个十分核心但悬而未决的问题。我们的研究认为,心智游移在解决复杂问题和创造性问题上具有独特优势,具体表现为:个体在执行分心任务期间的心智游移促进了复杂问题和创造性问题的解决。研究通过两个行为实验和两个fMRI实验,回答了"心智游移是否有助于复杂问题和创造性问题的解决?"以及"心智游移促进问题解决的心理和神经机制是什么?"这两个关键问题,提出执行功能是心智游移发挥问题解决功能的保证、以及默认网络-额顶控制网络的功能连接在心智游移的问题解决中发挥重要作用的假设。研究有助于我们澄清关于无意识思维效应的争论,从全新的角度理解心智和脑的工作方式。
中文关键词: 心智游移;问题解决;执行功能;默认网络;额顶控制网络
英文摘要: Mind wandering is a ubiquitous experience during which the focus of attention is withdrawn from the external environment and instead directed to information derived internally, and is becoming a new hot focus of research in the study of consciousness and brain function. Now this area has entered into the third stage, which is characterized by the study of the relation between the spontaneous mental activity and the spontaneous brain activity. And the function of thess spontaneous activities is one of the most essential but unresolved problems. We argue that mind wandering have unique advantages in problem solving, that is, when guided by the goal, the mind wandering during distract task can promote the complex and creative problem solving. We design two behavioral experiments and two fMRI experiments, to answer the following two questions: 1) Does mind wandering promote complex and creative problem solving? And 2) If mind wandering do improve problem solving, what are its psychological and neural mechanism? We hypothesize that executive function enable problem-solving function of mind wandering, and the functional connectivity between the default network and the frontal-parietal network play an important role in this process. Our study will help to settle the debate about the Unconscious Theory, to understand
英文关键词: mind wandering;problem solving;executive function;default mode network;frontal-parietal network