
2018 年 5 月 6 日 专知

【导读】专知内容组整理了最近八篇主题模型(Topic Model)相关文章,为大家进行介绍,欢迎查看!

1. Lessons from the Bible on Modern Topics: Low-Resource Multilingual Topic Model Evaluation(Lessons from the Bible on Modern Topics: 低资源、多语种主题模型评估)

作者Shudong Hao,Jordan Boyd-Graber,Michael J. Paul

机构:University of Maryland,University of Colorado

摘要Multilingual topic models enable document analysis across languages through coherent multilingual summaries of the data. However, there is no standard and effective metric to evaluate the quality of multilingual topics. We introduce a new intrinsic evaluation of multilingual topic models that correlates well with human judgments of multilingual topic coherence as well as performance in downstream applications. Importantly, we also study evaluation for low-resource languages. Because standard metrics fail to accurately measure topic quality when robust external resources are unavailable, we propose an adaptation model that improves the accuracy and reliability of these metrics in low-resource settings.

期刊:arXiv, 2018年4月27日



2. SpectralLeader: Online Spectral Learning for Single Topic Models(SpectralLeader: 单主题模型的在线光谱学习)

作者Tong Yu,Branislav Kveton,Zheng Wen,Hung Bui,Ole J. Mengshoel

机构:Carnegie Mellon University

摘要We study the problem of learning a latent variable model from a stream of data. Latent variable models are popular in practice because they can explain observed data in terms of unobserved concepts. These models have been traditionally studied in the offline setting. In the online setting, on the other hand, the online EM is arguably the most popular algorithm for learning latent variable models. Although the online EM is computationally efficient, it typically converges to a local optimum. In this work, we develop a new online learning algorithm for latent variable models, which we call SpectralLeader. SpectralLeader always converges to the global optimum, and we derive a sublinear upper bound on its $n$-step regret in the bag-of-words model. In both synthetic and real-world experiments, we show that SpectralLeader performs similarly to or better than the online EM with tuned hyper-parameters.

期刊:arXiv, 2018年4月26日



3. Variational Inference In Pachinko Allocation Machines(Pachinko分配机的变分推断)

作者Akash Srivastava,Charles Sutton

机构:University of Edinburgh

摘要The Pachinko Allocation Machine (PAM) is a deep topic model that allows representing rich correlation structures among topics by a directed acyclic graph over topics. Because of the flexibility of the model, however, approximate inference is very difficult. Perhaps for this reason, only a small number of potential PAM architectures have been explored in the literature. In this paper we present an efficient and flexible amortized variational inference method for PAM, using a deep inference network to parameterize the approximate posterior distribution in a manner similar to the variational autoencoder. Our inference method produces more coherent topics than state-of-art inference methods for PAM while being an order of magnitude faster, which allows exploration of a wider range of PAM architectures than have previously been studied.

期刊:arXiv, 2018年4月21日



4. Structuring Wikipedia Articles with Section Recommendations(基于维基百科文章的章节推荐)

作者Tiziano Piccardi,Michele Catasta,Leila Zia,Robert West

机构:Stanford University

摘要Sections are the building blocks of Wikipedia articles. They enhance readability and can be used as a structured entry point for creating and expanding articles. Structuring a new or already existing Wikipedia article with sections is a hard task for humans, especially for newcomers or less experienced editors, as it requires significant knowledge about how a well-written article looks for each possible topic. Inspired by this need, the present paper defines the problem of section recommendation for Wikipedia articles and proposes several approaches for tackling it. Our systems can help editors by recommending what sections to add to already existing or newly created Wikipedia articles. Our basic paradigm is to generate recommendations by sourcing sections from articles that are similar to the input article. We explore several ways of defining similarity for this purpose (based on topic modeling, collaborative filtering, and Wikipedia's category system). We use both automatic and human evaluation approaches for assessing the performance of our recommendation system, concluding that the category--based approach works best, achieving precision and recall at 10 of about 80\% in the crowdsourcing evaluation.

期刊:arXiv, 2018年4月17日



5. Towards Training Probabilistic Topic Models on Neuromorphic Multi-chip Systems(神经形态多芯片系统概率主题模型的训练)

作者Zihao Xiao,Jianfei Chen,Jun Zhu

机构:Tsinghua University

摘要Probabilistic topic models are popular unsupervised learning methods, including probabilistic latent semantic indexing (pLSI) and latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA). By now, their training is implemented on general purpose computers (GPCs), which are flexible in programming but energy-consuming. Towards low-energy implementations, this paper investigates their training on an emerging hardware technology called the neuromorphic multi-chip systems (NMSs). NMSs are very effective for a family of algorithms called spiking neural networks (SNNs). We present three SNNs to train topic models. The first SNN is a batch algorithm combining the conventional collapsed Gibbs sampling (CGS) algorithm and an inference SNN to train LDA. The other two SNNs are online algorithms targeting at both energy- and storage-limited environments. The two online algorithms are equivalent with training LDA by using maximum-a-posterior estimation and maximizing the semi-collapsed likelihood, respectively. They use novel, tailored ordinary differential equations for stochastic optimization. We simulate the new algorithms and show that they are comparable with the GPC algorithms, while being suitable for NMS implementation. We also propose an extension to train pLSI and a method to prune the network to obey the limited fan-in of some NMSs.

期刊:arXiv, 2018年4月10日



6. Topic Modelling of Everyday Sexism Project Entries(日常性别歧视条目的主题建模)

作者Sophie Melville,Kathryn Eccles,Taha Yasseri

机构:University of Oxford

摘要The Everyday Sexism Project documents everyday examples of sexism reported by volunteer contributors from all around the world. It collected 100,000 entries in 13+ languages within the first 3 years of its existence. The content of reports in various languages submitted to Everyday Sexism is a valuable source of crowdsourced information with great potential for feminist and gender studies. In this paper, we take a computational approach to analyze the content of reports. We use topic-modelling techniques to extract emerging topics and concepts from the reports, and to map the semantic relations between those topics. The resulting picture closely resembles and adds to that arrived at through qualitative analysis, showing that this form of topic modeling could be useful for sifting through datasets that had not previously been subject to any analysis. More precisely, we come up with a map of topics for two different resolutions of our topic model and discuss the connection between the identified topics. In the low resolution picture, for instance, we found Public space/Street, Online, Work related/Office, Transport, School, Media harassment, and Domestic abuse. Among these, the strongest connection is between Public space/Street harassment and Domestic abuse and sexism in personal relationships.The strength of the relationships between topics illustrates the fluid and ubiquitous nature of sexism, with no single experience being unrelated to another.

期刊:arXiv, 2018年4月5日



7. Computer-Assisted Text Analysis for Social Science: Topic Models and Beyond(计算机辅助文本分析:主题模型及其他)

作者Ryan Wesslen

机构:University of North Carolina at Charlotte

摘要Topic models are a family of statistical-based algorithms to summarize, explore and index large collections of text documents. After a decade of research led by computer scientists, topic models have spread to social science as a new generation of data-driven social scientists have searched for tools to explore large collections of unstructured text. Recently, social scientists have contributed to topic model literature with developments in causal inference and tools for handling the problem of multi-modality. In this paper, I provide a literature review on the evolution of topic modeling including extensions for document covariates, methods for evaluation and interpretation, and advances in interactive visualizations along with each aspect's relevance and application for social science research.

期刊:arXiv, 2018年3月29日



8. Scalable Generalized Dynamic Topic Models(可扩展的广义动态主题模型)

作者Patrick Jähnichen,Florian Wenzel,Marius Kloft,Stephan Mandt

摘要Dynamic topic models (DTMs) model the evolution of prevalent themes in literature, online media, and other forms of text over time. DTMs assume that word co-occurrence statistics change continuously and therefore impose continuous stochastic process priors on their model parameters. These dynamical priors make inference much harder than in regular topic models, and also limit scalability. In this paper, we present several new results around DTMs. First, we extend the class of tractable priors from Wiener processes to the generic class of Gaussian processes (GPs). This allows us to explore topics that develop smoothly over time, that have a long-term memory or are temporally concentrated (for event detection). Second, we show how to perform scalable approximate inference in these models based on ideas around stochastic variational inference and sparse Gaussian processes. This way we can train a rich family of DTMs to massive data. Our experiments on several large-scale datasets show that our generalized model allows us to find interesting patterns that were not accessible by previous approaches.

期刊:arXiv, 2018年3月21日




专 · 知









主题模型,顾名思义,就是对文字中隐含主题的一种建模方法。“苹果”这个词的背后既包含是苹果公司这样一个主题,也包括了水果的主题。   在这里,我们先定义一下主题究竟是什么。主题就是一个概念、一个方面。它表现为一系列相关的词语。比如一个文章如果涉及到“百度”这个主题,那么“中文搜索”、“李彦宏”等词语就会以较高的频率出现,而如果涉及到“IBM”这个主题,那么“笔记本”等就会出现的很频繁。如果用数学来描述一下的话,主题就是词汇表上词语的条件概率分布 。与主题关系越密切的词语,它的条件概率越大,反之则越小。




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