标题:Improving Underwater Obstacle Detection using Semantic Image Segmentation
作者:Bilal Arain, Chris McCool, Paul Rigby, Daniel Cagara, Matthew Dunbabin
来源:2019 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May 20-24, 2019, Montreal, Canada
编译:张重群, 审核:黄思宇,孙钦
图1 水下场景实际图片(大量动态物体存在、光照条件差)。
图2 使用双目立体匹配进行障碍物检测。
图3 图像分割的训练结果。
图4 带有语义标签的3D场景稀疏特征障碍物地图。
图5 我们使用的水下图像采集系统。
表1 实验结果。
This paper presents two novel approaches for improving image-based underwater obstacle detection by combining sparse stereo point clouds with monocular semantic image segmentation. Generating accurate image-based obstacle maps in cluttered underwater environments, such as coral reefs, are essential for robust robotic path planning and navigation. However, these maps can be challenged by factors including visibility, lighting and dynamic objects (e.g. fish) that may lead to falsely identified free space or dynamic objects which trajectory planners may react to undesirably. We propose combining feature-based stereo matching with learning-based segmentation to produce a more robust obstacle map. This approach considers direct binary learning of the presence or absence of underwater obstacles, as well as a multiclass learning approach to classify their distance (near, mid and far) in the scene. An enhancement to the binary map is also shown by including depth information from sparse stereo matching to produce 3D obstacle maps of the scene. The performance is evaluated using field data collected in cluttered, and at times, visually degraded coral reef environments. The results show improved image-wide obstacle detection, rejection of transient objects (such as fish), and range estimation compared to feature-based sparse and dense stereo point clouds alone.
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