With the growth of social media platform influence, the effect of their misuse becomes more and more impactful. The importance of automatic detection of threatening and abusive language can not be overestimated. However, most of the existing studies and state-of-the-art methods focus on English as the target language, with limited work on low- and medium-resource languages. In this paper, we present two shared tasks of abusive and threatening language detection for the Urdu language which has more than 170 million speakers worldwide. Both are posed as binary classification tasks where participating systems are required to classify tweets in Urdu into two classes, namely: (i) Abusive and Non-Abusive for the first task, and (ii) Threatening and Non-Threatening for the second. We present two manually annotated datasets containing tweets labelled as (i) Abusive and Non-Abusive, and (ii) Threatening and Non-Threatening. The abusive dataset contains 2400 annotated tweets in the train part and 1100 annotated tweets in the test part. The threatening dataset contains 6000 annotated tweets in the train part and 3950 annotated tweets in the test part. We also provide logistic regression and BERT-based baseline classifiers for both tasks. In this shared task, 21 teams from six countries registered for participation (India, Pakistan, China, Malaysia, United Arab Emirates, and Taiwan), 10 teams submitted their runs for Subtask A, which is Abusive Language Detection and 9 teams submitted their runs for Subtask B, which is Threatening Language detection, and seven teams submitted their technical reports. The best performing system achieved an F1-score value of 0.880 for Subtask A and 0.545 for Subtask B. For both subtasks, m-Bert based transformer model showed the best performance.
翻译:随着社交媒体平台影响的增长,滥用这些语言的影响越来越大,影响也越来越大。自动发现威胁性和虐待性语言的重要性是不可低估的。然而,大多数现有研究和最新方法都把英语作为目标语言,对中、低资源语言的工作有限。本文介绍了乌尔都语滥用和威胁性语言探测的双重共同任务,而乌尔都语在全世界有超过1.7亿语使用者。这两个任务都是二进制分类任务,其中要求参与系统将乌尔都语的推文分为两类,即:(一) 首项任务为 " 威胁性 " 和 " 非虐待性语言 " ;然而,大多数现有研究和最新方法将英语作为目标语言,而大多数现有研究和最先进的方法则以 " 威胁性语言 " 为重点,以英语为重点语言为重点,而 " 威胁性语言 " 和 " 威胁性语言探测 " 则以二进制分类,其中要求参与将乌尔都的推文推文分为两个类别,即:(一) " 080 " 恶意 " 和 " 非破坏性 " ; " 非破坏性 " 语言 " 语言 " ; " 第一次任务 " 第一次任务 " ;第二版 " 威胁性 " B类 " 威胁性 " ;第二组 " 威胁性数据 " 交付 " ;第二组 " 交付 " 进行 " 进行 " ;第二组 " ;第二组 " 最佳性工作 " ;第二组 " 进行 " 进行 " ; " 最佳性工作 " ; " ; " ; " 最佳性 " 最佳性 " ; " 最佳性 " ; " 进行性 " ; " 最佳性工作 " ; " ; " ; " 进行性能 " 进行性工作 " ; " ; " ; " ; " 为21级 " ; " ; " ; " ; " ; " ; " ; " ; " ; " ; " 进行性 " 性能 " 性能 " ; " ; " ; " ; " ; " ; " ; " ; " ; " ; " ; " ; " ; " ; " 21级 " ; " ; " 进行性能 " 为 " ; " ; " ; "