Partial Domain adaptation (PDA) aims to solve a more practical cross-domain learning problem that assumes target label space is a subset of source label space. However, the mismatched label space causes significant negative transfer. A traditional solution is using soft weights to increase weights of source shared domain and reduce those of source outlier domain. But it still learns features of outliers and leads to negative immigration. The other mainstream idea is to distinguish source domain into shared and outlier parts by hard binary weights, while it is unavailable to correct the tangled shared and outlier classes. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end Self-Adaptive Partial Domain Adaptation(SAPDA) Network. Class weights evaluation mechanism is introduced to dynamically self-rectify the weights of shared, outlier and confused classes, thus the higher confidence samples have the more sufficient weights. Meanwhile it can eliminate the negative transfer caused by the mismatching of label space greatly. Moreover, our strategy can efficiently measure the transferability of samples in a broader sense, so that our method can achieve competitive results on unsupervised DA task likewise. A large number of experiments on multiple benchmarks have demonstrated the effectiveness of our SAPDA.
翻译:部分域适应( PDA) 旨在解决更实际的跨域学习问题,认为目标标签空间是源标签空间的一个子区。然而,不匹配标签空间导致显著的负转移。传统解决方案是使用软权重来增加源共享域的权重并减少源外部域的权重。但它仍然学会了离子体特征并导致负移民。另一个主流理念是将源域区分为硬二进制重量造成的共享和偏差部分,而无法纠正相交的共享和偏差等级。此外,我们的战略可以有效地从更广的角度衡量样品的可转移性,这样我们的方法就能在非超前自毁部分域适应(SAPDA)网络上取得竞争性结果。等级加权评估机制被引入来动态地自我校准共享、偏差和偏差类的权重,从而更高的信任样本具有更充分的权重。同时,它可以消除因标签空间错配错而造成的负转移。此外,我们的战略可以有效地从更广的角度衡量样品的可转移性,这样我们的方法就能在未超的DADA任务上取得竞争性的结果。同样,一个大型的SAPDADA基准实验数字。