In a recent line of work, Butti and Dalmau have shown that a fixed-template Constraint Satisfaction Problem is solvable by a certain natural linear programming relaxation (equivalent to the basic linear programming relaxation) if and only if it is solvable on a certain distributed network, and this happens if and only if its set of Yes instances is closed under Weisfeiler-Leman equivalence. We generalize this result to the much broader framework of fixed-template Promise Valued Constraint Satisfaction Problems. Moreover, we show that two commonly used linear programming relaxations are no longer equivalent in this broader framework.
翻译:在最近的一行工作中, Butti 和 Dalmau 已经表明,固定板板板的满意度问题可以通过某种自然线性编程松动(相当于基本的线性编程松动)解决,条件是并且只有在某一分布式网络上可以溶解,而且只有在其一组“是”实例在Weisfeiler-Leman等值下被关闭的情况下才会发生。我们将这一结果概括为更为广泛的固定板面的“承诺价值约束满意度问题”框架。 此外,我们表明,在这个更广泛的框架内,两种常用的线性编程松动不再等同。