Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite networks are rapidly gaining traction today. Although several real-world deployments exist, our preliminary analysis of LEO topology performance with the soon-to-be operational Inter-Satellite Links (ISLs) reveals several interesting characteristics that are difficult to explain based on our current understanding of topologies. For example, a real-world satellite shell with a low density of satellites offers better latency performance than another shell with nearly double the number of satellites. In this work, we conduct an in-depth investigation of LEO satellite topology design parameters and their impact on network performance while using the ISLs. In particular, we focus on three design parameters: the number of orbits in a shell, the inclination of orbits, and the number of satellites per orbit. Through an extensive analysis of real-world and synthetic satellite configurations, we uncover several interesting properties of satellite topologies. Notably, there exist thresholds for the number of satellites per orbit and the number of orbits below which the latency performance degrades significantly. Moreover, network delay between a pair of traffic endpoints depends on the alignment of the satellite's orbit (Inclination) with the geographic locations of endpoints.