Traditional ear disease diagnosis heavily depends on experienced specialists and specialized equipment, frequently resulting in misdiagnoses, treatment delays, and financial burdens for some patients. Utilizing deep learning models for efficient ear disease diagnosis has proven effective and affordable. However, existing research overlooked model inference speed and parameter size required for deployment. To tackle these challenges, we constructed a large-scale dataset comprising eight ear disease categories and normal ear canal samples from two hospitals. Inspired by ShuffleNetV2, we developed Best-EarNet, an ultrafast and ultralight network enabling real-time ear disease diagnosis. Best-EarNet incorporates the novel Local-Global Spatial Feature Fusion Module which can capture global and local spatial information simultaneously and guide the network to focus on crucial regions within feature maps at various levels, mitigating low accuracy issues. Moreover, our network uses multiple auxiliary classification heads for efficient parameter optimization. With 0.77M parameters, Best-EarNet achieves an average frames per second of 80 on CPU. Employing transfer learning and five-fold cross-validation with 22,581 images from Hospital-1, the model achieves an impressive 95.23% accuracy. External testing on 1,652 images from Hospital-2 validates its performance, yielding 92.14% accuracy. Compared to state-of-the-art networks, Best-EarNet establishes a new state-of-the-art (SOTA) in practical applications. Most importantly, we developed an intelligent diagnosis system called Ear Keeper, which can be deployed on common electronic devices. By manipulating a compact electronic otoscope, users can perform comprehensive scanning and diagnosis of the ear canal using real-time video. This study provides a novel paradigm for ear endoscopy and other medical endoscopic image recognition applications.