In many prediction problems, spurious correlations are induced by a changing relationship between the label and a nuisance variable that is also correlated with the covariates. For example, in classifying animals in natural images, the background, which is the nuisance, can predict the type of animal. This nuisance-label relationship does not always hold, and the performance of a model trained under one such relationship may be poor on data with a different nuisance-label relationship. To build predictive models that perform well regardless of the nuisance-label relationship, we develop Nuisance-Randomized Distillation (NURD). We first define the nuisance-varying family, a set of distributions that differ only in the nuisance-label relationship. We then introduce the nuisance-randomized distribution, a distribution where the nuisance and the label are independent. Under this distribution, we define the set of representations such that conditioning on any member, the nuisance and the label remain independent. We prove that the representations in this set always perform better than chance, while representations outside of this set may not. NURD finds a representation from this set that is most informative of the label under the nuisance-randomized distribution, and we prove that this representation achieves the highest performance within the set on every distribution in the nuisance-varying family. We evaluate NURD on several tasks including chest X-ray classification where, using non-lung patches as the nuisance, NURD produces models that predict pneumonia under strong spurious correlations.
翻译:在许多预测问题中, 标签和骚扰性变异之间不断变化的关系引发了虚假的关联。 例如, 在自然图像中对动物进行分类时, 背景, 也就是骚扰性, 可以预测动物的类型。 这种骚扰性- 标签关系并不总能维持, 而在这种关系中受过训练的模型的性能, 与不同骚扰性- 标签关系的数据可能缺乏。 为了建立运行良好的预测模型, 不论骚扰性- 标签关系如何, 我们开发了 Nisance- 兰地调味蒸馏( NURD ) 。 我们首先定义了骚扰性- 调味性家庭, 这组分布只是在骚扰性- 标签关系中有所不同。 然后我们引入了骚扰性- 调味性分布, 在这种关系中, 我们定义了一套表达方式, 任何成员、 调味性和标签关系都保持独立。 我们证明, 在这种变异性( Nis- Rationality) 中, 在这种变异性关系中, 我们首先定义了非骚扰性关系, 一种分布式的分布方式, 在这种变异性分配方式中, 在每次的调情中, 能够实现。