Recently, many studies have been devoted to finding \textit{diverse} solutions in classical combinatorial problems, such as \textsc{Vertex Cover} (Baste et al., IJCAI'20), \textsc{Matching} (Fomin et al., ISAAC'20) and \textsc{Spanning Tree} (Hanaka et al., AAAI'21). We initiate the algorithmic study of $k$-\textsc{Diverse Minimum s-t Cuts} which, given a directed graph $G = (V, E)$, two specified vertices $s,t \in V$, and an integer $k > 0$, asks for a collection of $k$ minimum $s$-$t$ cuts in $G$ that has maximum diversity. We investigate the complexity of the problem for maximizing three diversity measures that can be applied to a collection of cuts: (i) the sum of all pairwise Hamming distances, (ii) the cardinality of the union of cuts in the collection, and (iii) the minimum pairwise Hamming distance. We prove that $k$-\textsc{Diverse Minimum s-t Cuts} can be solved in strongly polynomial time for diversity measures (i) and (ii) via \textit{submodular function minimization}. We obtain this result by establishing a connection between ordered collections of minimum $s$-$t$ cuts and the theory of distributive lattices. When restricted to finding only collections of mutually disjoint solutions, we provide a more practical algorithm that finds a maximum set of pairwise disjoint minimum $s$-$t$ cuts. For graphs with small minimum $s$-$t$ cut, it runs in the time of a single \textit{max-flow} computation. Our results stand in contrast to the problem of finding $k$ diverse \textit{global} minimum cuts -- which is known to be NP-hard even for the disjoint case (Hanaka et al., AAAI'23) -- and partially answer a long-standing open question of Wagner (Networks, 1990) about improving the complexity of finding disjoint collections of minimum $s$-$t$ cuts. Lastly, we show that $k$-\textsc{Diverse Minimum s-t Cuts} subject to diversity measure (iii) is NP-hard already for $k=3$.