In this paper we consider the online Submodular Welfare (SW) problem. In this problem we are given $n$ bidders each equipped with a general (not necessarily monotone) submodular utility and $m$ items that arrive online. The goal is to assign each item, once it arrives, to a bidder or discard it, while maximizing the sum of utilities. When an adversary determines the items' arrival order we present a simple randomized algorithm that achieves a tight competitive ratio of $\nicefrac{1}{4}$. The algorithm is a specialization of an algorithm due to [Harshaw-Kazemi-Feldman-Karbasi MOR`22], who presented the previously best known competitive ratio of $3-2\sqrt{2}\approx 0.171573 $ to the problem. When the items' arrival order is uniformly random, we present a competitive ratio of $\approx 0.27493$, improving the previously known $\nicefrac{1}{4}$ guarantee. Our approach for the latter result is based on a better analysis of the (offline) Residual Random Greedy (RRG) algorithm of [Buchbinder-Feldman-Naor-Schwartz SODA`14], which we believe might be of independent interest.