The non-local interactions in several quantum devices allow for the realization of more compact quantum encodings while retaining the same degree of protection against noise. Anticipating that short to medium-length codes will soon be realizable, it is important to construct stabilizer codes that, for a given code distance, admit fault-tolerant implementations of logical gates with the fewest number of physical qubits. We extract high-distance doubly even codes from the quantum quadratic-residue code family that admit a transversal implementation of the single-qubit Clifford group and block transversal implementation of the full Clifford group. Applying a doubling procedure [arXiv:1509.03239] to such codes yields a family of high-distance weak triply even codes which admit a transversal implementation of the logical $\texttt{T}$-gate. Relaxing the triply even property, we also obtain a family of triorthogonal codes which requires an even lower overhead at the cost of additional Clifford gates to achieve the same logical operation. To our knowledge, our doubly even and triorthogonal families are the shortest qubit stabilizer codes of the same distance that can realize their respective gates.