Smart contracts offer a way to credibly commit to a mechanism, as long as it can be expressed as an easily computable mapping from inputs, in the form of transactions on-chain, to outputs: allocations and payments. But proposers decide which transactions to include, allowing them to manipulate these mechanisms and extract temporary monopoly rents known as MEV. Motivated by both general interest in running auctions on-chain, and current proposals to conduct MEV auctions on-chain, we study how these manipulations effect the equilibria of auctions. Formally, we consider an independent private value auction where bidders simultaneously submit private bids, and public tips, that are paid to the proposer upon inclusion. A single additional bidder may bribe the proposer to omit competing bids. We show that even if bids are completely sealed, tips reveal bids in equilibrium, which suggests that encrypting bids may not prevent manipulation. Further, we show that collusion at the transaction inclusion step is extremely profitable for the colluding bidder: as the number of bidders increases, the probability that the winner is not colluding and the economic efficiency of the auction both decrease faster than $1/n$. Running the auction over multiple blocks, each with a different proposer, alleviates the problem only if the number of blocks is larger than the number of bidders. We argue that blockchains with more than one concurrent proposer can credibly execute auctions on chain, as long as tips can be conditioned on the number of proposers that include the transaction.
翻译:智能合同提供了一种令人信服地致力于一个机制的方法,只要这种操纵能够表现为一种从投入(以链上交易的形式)中以分配和支付的形式对产出(分配和支付)进行易于比较的私人价值拍卖。但是,建议者决定包括哪些交易,允许他们操纵这些机制,并提取称为MEV的临时垄断租金。 受对进行链上拍卖的普遍兴趣和当前在链上进行MEV拍卖的提议的驱使,我们研究这些操纵如何影响拍卖的平衡。形式上,我们考虑的是独立的私人价值拍卖,即投标者同时提交私人出价和公开提示,在纳入时将支付给提议者。一个额外的投标者可能会贿赂提议放弃竞价。我们表明,即使投标完全封闭了这些机制并提取了临时垄断的租金。 这表明,在交易包容交易阶段的串通对于串通的投标者来说是极其有利可图的:随着投标者人数的增加,竞拍者们可能不会同时提交私人出价单,而且经济效率在列入时会支付给提议者。 一位投标者可能会受贿者,但每块的金额会减少多少。