Approximation of interacting kernels by sum of Gaussians (SOG) is frequently required in many applications of scientific and engineering computing in order to construct efficient algorithms for kernel summation or convolution problems. In this paper, we propose a kernel-independent SOG method by introducing the de la Vall\'ee-Poussin sum and Chebyshev polynomials. The SOG works for general interacting kernels and the lower bound of Gaussian bandwidths is tunable and thus the Gaussians can be easily summed by fast Gaussian algorithms. The number of Gaussians can be further reduced via the model reduction based on the balanced truncation based on the square root method. Numerical results on the accuracy and model reduction efficiency show attractive performance of the proposed method.
翻译:在许多科学和工程计算应用中,经常需要以高山总和(SOG)对互动内核进行接近,以便建立高效的内核平衡算法或进化问题算法。在本文件中,我们提出一个独立内核SOG方法,采用“de la Vall\'ee-Poussin sum”和“Chebyshev 多元米亚”法。SOG为一般互动内核和低范围高山带宽工作,是金枪鱼,因此高山带宽很容易用快速高山算法来计算。根据以平方根法为基础的平衡脱轨模型可以进一步减少高山数。关于准确性和减低模式效率的数值结果显示了拟议方法的有吸引力的性能。