In this paper we present a conservative cell-centered Lagrangian finite volume scheme for the solution of the hyper-elasticity equations on unstructured multidimensional grids. The starting point of the new method is the Eucclhyd scheme, which is here combined with the a posteriori Multidimensional Optimal Order Detection (MOOD) limiting strategy to ensure robustness and stability at shock waves with piece-wise linear spatial reconstruction. The ADER (Arbitrary high order schemes using DERivatives) approach is adopted to obtain second-order of accuracy in time as well. This method has been tested in an hydrodynamics context and the present work aims at extending it to the case of hyper-elasticity models. Such models are presented in a fully Lagrangian framework and the dedicated Lagrangian numerical scheme is derived in terms of nodal solver, GCL compliance, subcell forces and compatible discretization. The Lagrangian numerical method is implemented in 3D under MPI parallelization framework allowing to handle genuinely large meshes. A relative large set of numerical test cases is presented to assess the ability of the method to achieve effective second order of accuracy on smooth flows, maintaining an essentially non-oscillatory behavior and general robustness across discontinuities and ensuring at least physical admissibility of the solution where appropriate. Pure elastic neo-Hookean and non-linear materials are considered for our benchmark test problems in 2D and 3D. These test cases feature material bending, impact, compression, non-linear deformation and further bouncing/detaching motions.
翻译:在本文中,我们展示了一种保守的以细胞为中心的拉格朗杰有限体积计划,用于解决无结构多维电网超弹性方程式的解决方案。新方法的起点是Euccclhyd 计划,该计划与事后的多层最佳秩序检测(MOOD)相结合,在此提出一个限制战略,以确保在冲击波时稳健和稳定,同时进行片断线线空间重建。ADER(使用Derivatives的任意高排序计划)方法也采用,以便及时获得第二级的准确度。这一方法已在水力动力学背景下进行了测试,目前的工作旨在将其扩大到超弹性模型。这些模型是在完全Lagrangid的框架中展示的,而专用的Lagrangian数字计划则在节点解决方案、GCL的合规性、子系和相兼容的离散方面产生。根据MPI平行框架在3D中实施Lagrangian数字方法,以便能够真正处理大型的金属。一组相对庞大的数值测试案例用来评估非临界性硬度的硬度和不精确性硬度,在2级的精确度上评估方法的精确度上如何测量和精确度。