This paper explores the emerging knowledge-driven autonomous driving technologies. Our investigation highlights the limitations of current autonomous driving systems, in particular their sensitivity to data bias, difficulty in handling long-tail scenarios, and lack of interpretability. Conversely, knowledge-driven methods with the abilities of cognition, generalization and life-long learning emerge as a promising way to overcome these challenges. This paper delves into the essence of knowledge-driven autonomous driving and examines its core components: dataset \& benchmark, environment, and driver agent. By leveraging large language models, world models, neural rendering, and other advanced artificial intelligence techniques, these components collectively contribute to a more holistic, adaptive, and intelligent autonomous driving system. The paper systematically organizes and reviews previous research efforts in this area, and provides insights and guidance for future research and practical applications of autonomous driving. We will continually share the latest updates on cutting-edge developments in knowledge-driven autonomous driving along with the relevant valuable open-source resources at: \url{}.